The Vice President



Put yourself in the position of the Vice President of a particular group (e.g., the VP of HIT Operations, the Department Head of a particular medical unit, the VP of IT). What is your leadership style of the future? How will you grow as a leader? Use your Leadership Journals to help with this. A key point to understand is that this paper complements the HIT Project Proposal. This paper will detail your approach to HIT leadership with a specific action plan to implement that HIT leadership approach. It is critical that you focus on HIT as you write the paper because, though some leadership and management principles are universal, the industry one works in comes with unique considerations.

Personal Philosophy of Leadership – The Approach 20% • Given your study in the course, what type of leader are you? What is your style?
• What are the tenets of your leadership approach? Why are they necessary and important?
• Was there anything you specifically left out of your personal philosophy of leadership?
• Using the leadership journals developed over the term, how has the development of these instruments helped you shape the way you think about leadership?
Personal Philosophy of Leadership – The Benchmark 20% • Given your study in the course, what leader(s) do you identify with relative to your personal philosophy of leadership?
• What specific tenets (or actions) of the leader(s) you identified link to your personal philosophy of leadership?
• What specific tenets (or actions) of the leader(s) you identified are different than your personal philosophy of leadership?
Personal Philosophy of Leadership – The Implementation 25% • How would you go about implementing your personal philosophy of HIT leadership? For example, how would you secure buy-in, how would you communicate, how would you measure results, or how would you define success or failure?
• You should include in this section specific time constraints (e.g., whether this one-year journey is relative to defining measurements for leadership or is an incremental journey).
Personal Philosophy of Leadership – The Challenges 20% • What type of resistance would you face relative to the implementation of your personal philosophy of HIT leadership?
• What type of support would you have relative to the implementation of your personal philosophy of HIT leadership?
• How would you sustain the support and lessen the resistance relative to the implementation of your personal philosophy of HIT leadership?

Sample Solution

Vaporwave took commending the past from hypnagogic pop and subverted the tunes to be practically evil, painting the passings of music long past.

The vaporwave development brought to fulfillment numerous new subgenres. Mallsoft, one of the many, is a subgenre of vaporwave that centers around the sentiments of realism and industrialism that accompany being within a shopping center. Numerous tunes right now intended to be the perfect melody for tuning in to while entangled in the advances and blinding forms of publicity inside a strip mall (Chandler, Genre As Method). This branch was probably brought about by the enormous measure of vaporwave craftsmanship featuring strip malls and shopping centers. The following stage for specialists was to interface their ways of thinking and convictions about industrialism to music that they felt spoke to best what it feels like to be within a shopping center.

Future Funk is a subgenre of vaporwave that is fundamental center is the sentimentality. A large number of the examples utilized right now music are from the 1970’s, originating before the music by and large used to make vaporwave (Chandler, Genre As Method). This is the place the “funk” some portion of the name originates from. The objective of this classification is additionally very not quite the same as the topic of vaporwave. Rather than tossing industrialism notwithstanding audience members to constrain them to acknowledge it, future funk intends to get audience members far from commercialization. Future funk specialists make music that is nostalgic and lovely, intended to divert audience members from getting got up to speed in the consumerist media encompassing them (Chandler, Genre As Method).

Vaporwave itself is a sublet of the electronic music class. The term of electronic music can apply to any kind of music created by electrical or advanced methods; be that as it may, “for music to be unequivocally electronic then the author of the music must interface with the electronic medium and electronic preparing applied to his melodic idea” (Misachi). Right now, music is more a procedure of making music than a class. Vaporwave specialists apply an electronic procedure to recently made melodies or sound clasps to make a totally new sonic picture.

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