The Vision of Prisoners


The purpose of this paper is twofold:
• to engage you in independent literature search using personality psychology literature
• to have you demonstrate how a research study in personality contributes to the knowledge about important research questions and has practical implications for understanding and addressing contemporary social issues

Search the research literature in scholarly journals in Personality Psychology since January 2019 to pick ONE research article that reports results of an empirical research study in personality that you find interesting and can understand. DO NOT PICK AN ARTICLE THAT IS A LITERATURE REVIEW, A THEORETICAL PAPER, OR A META ANALYSIS. If you have any doubts, check with me. Journals you definitely want to look at include Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Personality. Sit down in the library or at your computer (access journals through the library’s web site) and thumb through the journals’ table of contents to identify potential articles. Read the abstracts. Pick your article.

When you have selected your article, write the paper in the following format:

1) Title Page in the following format:
Title of your paper
Your name
SUNY Buffalo State
Date you handed in the paper
PSY 311
2) Start off with a topic paragraph that:
• provides the citation of the article you are using
• clearly states the major theme of your paper, i.e., major point(s) you will be making in your paper. Be thoughtful. The topic paragraph should be like a synopsis of your paper, or, if you will, an abstract of your paper. I should be able to figure out the major points you will be making in the paper after reading your topic paragraph.
3) Review the article in 2-4 pages in your own words (don’t endlessly quote or worse, plagiarize):
• Describe the study purpose and major hypotheses.
• Summarize the study sample.
• Describe the research methods and measures used.
• Summarize the major results and conclusions.

4) Tell me in 2-4 pages WHY IS THIS STUDY IMPORTANT?
• How does the study you picked contribute to the knowledge about important research questions or our understanding of a contemporary social issue
• How does this study results relate to other studies in the area:
 does the study support other research?
 does it blaze new trails?
 does it contradict other research?

You should review and cite other relevant literature in personality psychology research to support the points you are making. You will be expected to do additional library research for this. You will need to reference at least three additional scholarly publications or scholarly websites (NOT Wikipidia, NOT YOUR TEXTBOOK) in making your argument.




Sample Solution

accompanied by the support of House Tyrell and a wildfire attack, burned the fleet and secured Kings landing (Martin, 1998: 515). Likewise, the Siege of Constantinople was carried out by fleets and Greek fire (Comneno, 1989).
Additionally, The Dothrak’s expansion and culture are correlate the Mongol Empire. They embody the menace from the East with an exotic basis. Their most significant features are that both are wanderers who live to invade (Sissiyomar, 2013). Also, their societies are established in a meritocracy system where the leader is esteemed and equally feared. This headman received a unique title—Kan for Mongol sand Khal for Dothrak’s—which have the same sonority (Martin, 1996).
The characters
Besides the concurrences of historical facts, there are also some characters in Martin’s works who are visibly inspired by some real identities. For instance, in House Lannister, Cersei is comparable to Margaret of Anjou. Both were led their houses during wars, and had orchestrated marriages. Margaret’s marriage was arranged by the duke of Suffolk, a Lancastrian (Johnson Lewis, 2014); similarly, Tywin Lannister arranged Cersei’s marriage to Robert Baratheon. Besides, the duke of York was the Protector of the throne like Eddard Stark was the hand of the king. Furthermore, the legitimacy of inheritance of their descendants was questioned and, consequently, the duke of York and Lord Eddard were killed (Martin, 1996: 196, 197, 226). Plus, Tywin Lannister is inspired by Richard Neville, the wealthiest man of the reign also known as “The Kingmaker” that had domineering political connections through the land and defended the legitimacy of the kings. (Johnson Lewis, 2014).
Similarly, Lord Tywin is the most controlling and wealthiest man in the Seven Kingdoms and allied the monarch to his convenience (Martin, 1996: 238, 239). In the case of House Stark, two of their members have several similitudes with the same person. Eddard Stark and the leader of Scottish revolution, William Wallace, were accused of betrayal and were consequently beheaded by the king (BBC, 2014b). Besides, their heads were placed on a pike as a warning for rebels (Martin, 1996:

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