The vitamin c content of kales


How is vitamin c content of kales affected by cooking temperature as
measured by iodometric titration?

This is a research paper for chemistry, you can research more about it only by just typing “IB Chemistry IA”.
Please write the whole paper in simple simple language.
The two main variables in this research are cooking temperature and vitamin c content of kales. The research
shall employ an experimental design where the content of vitamin c in kales shall be measured at various
cooking temperatures. Iodometric titration shall be used to measure the content of vitamin c in the kales at
various temperatures. This will help determine whether the content of vitamin c in kales is affected by
temperature changes. The research findings will also help to determine the optimum temperature at which
kales can be cooked for it to retain the maximum possible vitamin c content and ensure maximum nutritional
value is obtained from the consumption of kales and other vegetables.
This is an experimental research paper. If you do the experiment please take some pictures and put an
appendix proof as you did the experiment.
Intro: Background info, aim, and research question
Experimental Design/ Methodology: Variables, safety, ethical and environmental concerns.
Data collection and processing: qualitative and quantitative data
Data processing and error propagation
conclusion, evaluation, and improvements. Extension and further research.

Sample Solution

The effect of heating on the vitamin C content of five choice vegetables was determined by redox titration with potassium iodate in the presence of potassium iodide. The results obtained in raw vegetables showed that pepper (61.56mg/100ml) has the highest vitamin C content while the least was in carrot (21.72mg/100ml). The vitamin C content of the vegetables analyzed were found to be in the order: Pepper > Green peas > Spinach > Pumpkin > Carrot. It was also observed that the heating time has significant effect on the vitamin C content of all the vegetables, as the heating time increases, the percentage loss of vitamin C increases too.

Topographically, Ruritania is generally situated between domains that would have been called Saxony and Bohemia in Hope’s time. It has become a conventional term, both concrete and theoretical, for a nonexistent pre WW1 European realm utilized as the setting for sentiment, interest and the plots of experience books. Its name has been given to an entire type of composing, the Ruritanian sentiment, and it has spread outside writing to a wide range of other areas.4

This paper will examine Petru�elkov�’s (P) (1994 (1940))5 Czech form of the short-novel-length Biggles Goes To War (BGW; Biggles Let� na Jih (BLJ) in Czech), set in Maltovia, portrayed in plot as a little Ruritanian-type 6 nation with a German-type upper-

class found “somewhat toward the north-east of the Black Sea, depicted by its diplomat to London as “� ..just barely in Europe. � . Asia � . isn’t a long way from our eastern frontier”.7 Its classification echoes Hope’s somewhat, e.g., Max/Ludwig Stanhauser, von Nerthold, Janovica, Bethstein, Menkhoff, Vilmsky, Klein, Nieper, Gustav, and so on. Maltovia is undermined by its neighbor Lovitzna, a marginally bigger nation, additionally Ruritanian to the extent can be judged, depicted by the Maltovian diplomat as: “� another state, not huge, as nations in Europe go, yet bigger than we are.” Johns gives minimal enough genuine data on Maltovia, and even less on Lovitzna, in spite of the fact that the names he cites for the last nation, e.g., Zarovitch (the name of the decision administration), Hotel Stadplatz, Shavros, Stretta Barovsky, do extend a Ruritanian picture like that of Maltovia. Lovitzna is building up an aviation based armed forces with the help of European educators, and the story starts with the Maltovian diplomat in London asking Biggles, Algy, and Ginger to create one for Maltovia to counter the danger from Lovitzna.

BGW incorporates scenes, for example, e.g., Biggles telling a German pilot that local people “dislike us, you know, they are volatile (93; No. 17 underneath)”, which may have evoked unwelcome pictures and meanings among Czech perusers, particularly during the period when BGW and BLJ were first published.8 The arrangement picked by P to deal with such circumstances has been to go one little above and beyond than interpretation, and to transpose the story, moving Maltovia to some unclear spot in
Whittlesey 2012 sets up an exhaustive continuum for any exchange of any substance starting with one medium then onto the next,

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