The walls, roof, and floor define its boundaries.



Consider your home as a system. The walls, roof, and floor define its boundaries.

a) Describe the sources of energy into your home. Describe how that same amount of energy leaves your home? (3 points).

b) How does water enter your house? How does the same amount of water leave your home? (3 points)

c) How does food enter your home? Where does it go? Give at least three (3) different pathways out of your home. (4 points)

Sample Solution

Horsetail is a weird looking kind of plant with crawling, string like rootstock and roots at the hubs that produce various empty stems. Phytochemically, the plant is found to have a wide exhibit of optional metabolites which add to the restorative properties of the plant.

The plant Equisetum arvense is a people medication and its concentrate is utilized locally to treat tuberculosis, edema, kidney and bladder stones, urinary plot diseases, incontinence, sharpness and dyspepsia, ulcers and wounds, draining and so on. Reports are accessible with respect to its mitigating, antinociceptive (Monte Do et al., 2004), cancer prevention agent and antiproliferative (Dragana et al., 2010), antimicrobial (Fathi et al., 2004), hepatoprotective (Gracious et al., 2004), antidiabetic (Safiyeh et al., 2007), coagulant and astringent properties (Clute, 1928). Horsetail is for the most part utilized as a diuretic (Jung et al., 1999). The antiquated Greeks involved horsetail in the treatment of wounds.

Mutagenicity/antimutagenicity measures have been utilized to distinguish potential antimutagens and anticarcinogens giving open doors to the improvement of new medications to be utilized in the avoidance and treatment of neoplasies (Gebhart, 1992). Among the bioassays to evaluate DNA harm in mammalian cells in vivo, the chromosomal variation test is a compelling momentary measure in light of the fact that the occurance of the chromosomal distortions is one of the main natural result of openness of an organic entity to the genotoxic specialist. In vivo mammalian chromosomal abnormality test has been effectively utilized for the identification of primary deviations actuated by the test substance in the bone marrow cells of creatures, normally rodents (Preston et al., 1987; Amer et al., 2002; Patlolla and Tchounwou, 2005). The benefits of the CA examine are connected with the phone by cell approach, an exact recognizable proof of all the different chromosome transformation types, a potential co-recognition of mitotic files and the semi mechanized scoring by picture investigation.

In late many years, upgrades in malignant growth treatment have decisively expanded the endurance rates among patients (UNSCEAR, 2000). In any case, the therapies like radiotherapy and chemotherapy are possibly genotoxic and mutagenic which can prompt the improvement of auxiliary, therapy related conditions, including further tumors, as well as incline survivors toward different non-dangerous sicknesses that can frequently appear in the posterity (Glades et al., 2009). Present chemotherapy malignant growth medicines have ended up being insufficient because of their harmfulness as well as for the cells creating obstruction (Mc Whirter et al., 1996). Concentrates on carried on mice have likewise demonstrated the way that openness to anticancer medications can result in transgenerational genomic flimsiness (Glen and Dubrova, 2012). Chemotherapy malignant growth treatment cases include perpetual utilization of antineoplastic specialists which kill neoplastic tissue as they are harmful to quickly multiplying cells. Anyway simultaneously, they can harm ordinary multiplying cells too. This brings down their helpful file. Subsequently long haul utilization of these antineoplastic specialists has turned into a subject of expanding concern (Arif et al., 2009).

In excess of 100 chemotherapy drugs are utilized in disease treatment, either alone or in mix with different medications or medicines. One such medication is Cyclophosphamide. Cyclophosphamide (CPA) which has a place with the class of oxazaphosphorines is an alkylating specialist. It had been recorded as one of the best chemotherapy drugs on the World Wellbeing Associations Rundown of Fundamental Medications. Cyclophosphamide has stamped immunosuppressant properties against both humoral and cell resistance due to which it has been broadly used to treat various youth and grown-up malignancies (Thomson

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