Describe the way in which nurses are perceived by your patients and the public.
How do the best known nurses currently depicted in the media represent the type of nursing image you wish to promote?
Speaking of image, do you feel that no longer wearing traditional white uniforms has had an impact on how nurses are perceived?
How is your clothing an important part of your public image?
What could you do to improve the professional image of nurses?
Daily on September 25, 1918 further proclaimed, “Germans practice virtually every form of treachery and piracy of which the mind can conceive and made the word vandal one of the most descriptive in our language.” Soon, anything related to Germany was targeted by society. “Small boys ‘sicked’ bulldogs, terriers, hounds, and every other canine breed on the poor Fritzies until at last they have been virtually driven off the streets of Cincinnati” reported the Morrow County Republicans on October 10, 1918.
Set-up, explanation of theme, and thesis?
Since the Colonial Era, America had welcomed German immigrants and admired their work ethic and successes. However, a wave of anti-German sentiment broke out in 1917, resulting in strong negative feeling toward German and German-Americans. American perceptions of Germany became even worse in the years when American joined the World War in 1914. During the early years of the war, America found it difficult to remain neutral because of the sinking of Lusitania. President Wilson and his administration urged the start of the Committee on Public information to promote the war effort. EXPAND
As the CPI released many posters and cartoons, the society took on an anti-German-American environment. News articles began to attack German-American communities and their culture: churches, schools, societies, and even the German language. As a result, the freedom of speech and other civil liberties were held in a lesser regard. Congress passed the Espionage Act, which arrested those who advocated “treason, insurrection, or forcible resistance to any law of the United States.” Then