The “Weed and Seed” program was a Federal grant initiative that sought to revitalize cities around the country. This competitive grant program combined law enforcement strategies with community development and was used in hundreds of cities around the country. The Office of Justice Programs ran this program for a number of years until further funding was denied. A subsequent program, known as the Byrne Criminal Justice Initiative, addresses many of the same goals.
Prepare a report analyzing the Weed and Seed program. Your report should address the following points:
Review the program’s history. How did it come about? How many cities were impacted?
Describe the goals of the program and indicate how the goals and methods of the program align with the theories presented in this course.
Explain which restoration strategies of the Weed and Seed program are congruent with the ideas of social control theory and social disorganization theory.
Analyze whether the neighborhood crime factors that the Weed and Seed program identifies can be legitimately handled by police. Which of these need the involvement of other groups and agencies within the community? Why?
The Bureau of Justice Assistance and other Department of Justice sites have reports documenting the program. Select a city that was served by the Weed and Seed program. Assess how successful the program was, in terms of reducing crime rates.
Based on your understanding of neighborhood crimes, what five suggestions would you recommend for better results from the Weed and Seed program? Provide a rationale to support your recommendations.
other proposed disadvantage is that a couple of studies have found strong correlations between frequency of Internet use and loneliness. People that use the Internet often are more likely to become lonely and depressed than those that don’t. One proposal as to why this is the case is because of a potential reduced social support system as a result of the Internet.
There is some controversy over whether it is possible to actually be addicted to the Internet or not. Some researchers, like John M. Grohol, claim that it is simply people trying to escape their problems in an online world and cannot be classified as an addiction. Other psychologists, including Jennifer R. Ferris, believe that Internet addiction is a true psychological disorder with definable symptoms. The symptoms are comparable to any addiction, withdrawal, loss of relationships or job and significant time consumption.If an actual addiction exists or doesn’t exist, the underlying themes that support the addiction theory are still an issue. Whether people are trying to escape problems and reality or they will go through withdrawal if they aren’t surfing the net or chatting, it is still psychologically unhealthy.
Well, there are many uses for technology. One of these, of course, is to simply provide a way to communicate with others. Another is to provide safety, such as the technology used to navigate aircraft. Another use of technology is to simply make life easier, and less manual. For example, a hundred years ago you would have to read a book to find out information on a topic. Now, you can just ‘surf the net’. Technology also helps in companies, as it can store information that is easily editable and findable. The final use of technology is simply for entertainment, such as using the IPod.