Q1) In the works of Plato and Machiavelli, what is the proper and most effective relationship between
the masses and their political leaders? Should the leaders fulfill the desires of the people or direct their
behavior, and how and why? Do the masses actually desire power, and if so, how much, if any, can they
be trusted to possess?
The works of Plato and Machiavelli
It has been contended that the classical political philosophy was concerned with political life directly, since its guiding subject was a subject of actual political controversy carried on by the political community concerned. Since political controversies usually revolve around “just things” and “good things,” classical political philosophy was mainly guided by the considerations of “justice” and “goodness.” It is for this reason that Plato started his book, “The Republic,” with the definition of “justice” in order to depict the ideal state, society and ruler. Machiavelli, on the other hand, as a “modern” political philosopher, is mainly concerned with the inquiry into how things actually are accomplished in a real political world. He has tried to describe the pragmatic conditions under which political institutions operate.
understand each other, “There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture, and anybody would have said that they were conspiring together” (101). Tom is very self-centered and old fashion but he cheated on his wife with some other woman who was later killed by Daisy. Later, Tom goes to the husband of the woman killed and tells him that Gatsby was the one who killed her because he was the driving. During the last few pages of the novel, the man that Tom talked to goes and kills himself and Gatsby because he could stand to live without his wife. These events showed how Fitzgerald can make us understand how ruthless Daisy and Tom were. “So, I walked away and left him standing there in the moonlight-watching over nothing.” (101). By this point of the novel, Gatsby could not see that his love for Daisy was killing him literally and figuratively. In just minutes, everything he worked so hard to achieve was all gone. At the end of the story, Nick who became Gatsby’s best friend tries to bring people to Gatsby funeral but no one shows up only his father. This shows that most of the people who came to his parties were only there to have fun. No one really cared about who Gatsby really was. Fitzgerald does a decent job showing how this is the life we live in. Not that many people care about anyone they just show up to events to show off.
Throughout the novel, the idea of the American Dream is shown by all the dishonesty in privacy of the characters. Fitzgerald was one of the most true dreamers in the 20s because he could portray and bring alive this idea that anyone could become rich but at the same time he was able to be realistic and show how they got rich. Also he was able to show that having a lot of money does not mean you are happy. “Fitzgerald embodied in his tissues and nervous system the fluid polarities of American experiences: success and failure, illusion and disillusion, dream and nightmare.” (Callahan John, pp.1). The search of happiness for Gatsby was to go back with Daisy because he thought this was his destiny. Gatsby couldn’t see the reality of his actions, he achieved the American Dream but he lost everything because of his obsession for Daisy. He never really knew what he had achieved in his life until he was all taken away from him because of his love to some woman. Gatsby never understood what they really could do to him because he never realized what the people in