The writing of the Age of Colonialism, Age of Reason/Revolutionary era, and American Renaissance/Age of Romanticism.

Imagine that someone unfamiliar with American Literature has asked you to characterize the writing of the Age of Colonialism, Age of Reason/Revolutionary era, and American Renaissance/Age of Romanticism. Begin by writing a brief survey (including the major characteristics) of these periods of American Literature, indicating the major writers of each period. Select ONE writer from each period and write a thumbnail description of the themes and/or characteristics of each writer’s work(s). Include direct quotes from the primary sources for analysis and support.


Sample Solution

Western colonialism is a  political-economic occurrence that saw a number of European nations explore, conquere, settle, and exploit large areas of the world. The age of modern colonialism began about 1500, following the European discoveries of a sea route around Africa’s southern coast (1488) and of America (1492). With these events sea power shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and to the emerging nation-states of Portugal, Spain, the Dutch Republic, France, and England. By discovery, conquest, and settlement, these nations expanded and colonized throughout the world, spreading European institutions and culture. Medieval Europe was largely self-contained until the First Crusade (1096–99), which opened new political and commercial communications with the Muslim Near East.






The Passionate Shepherd Poems

Energetic shepherd’s sonnet “Enthusiastic shepherds love him” (Marlow), “Reaction to the pixie’s shepherd” (Raleigh), “Tune” (Lewis) all have a similar essential plot and character I am focusing on it. In any case, in words and conclusions. This distinction for the most part relies upon the speaker of the refrain. Poor people shepherd is the voice of “an enthusiastic shepherd cherishes him” and “a melody”. In any case, the mentalities of the shepherds of these two sonnets are practically inverse. Sheepherds of “eager shepherds love him” is a sentimental optimist drawing the arrangement’s unique verse, his top choice “rose bed” and excellent pictures for rich young ladies .

… “The Passionate Shepherd” is a tranquil sonnet. Charming verse for the most part centers around the shepherd’s affection for a young lady, (for example, Marlow’s verse), the passing of a companion, or the serenity of nation life. An ideal essayist is a urban occupant taught like Marlow and commendations the shepherd’s young lady’s ethicalness or is on edge for the nation’s tranquility and serenity. The peaceful is from the Latin cleric, the shepherd … … Chistopher Marlowe set this sonnet in the nation in the late-winter, and the shepherds like their herd. It would be ideal if you utilize the word Madrigals (line 8) – set up the verse with a good soundtrack and sing a dreary tune or 2 to 6 joined tune – peaceful tunes in different pieces of the UK and Europe When it was exceptionally well known. Be that as it may, since this is the all inclusiveness of that topic, this sonnet can be a shepherd of all ages in each nation.

This sonnet is a reference to Walter Raleigh’s sonnet “Fairy’s answer to the shepherd” (This is a reaction to Marlow’s sonnet “Energetic shepherd’s energy”). In the peaceful history of Mahlow, the shepherd requested that his paramour appreciate the delight of nature with him. In the response of Raleigh, Nymph accepts that on the planet where individuals are more seasoned and the blossoms are blurring, it is outlandish for a glad peaceful presence. William Carlos Williams concurs with Raleigh in the title of his sonnet that he accepts that nature doesn’t give a glad breathing chance to common consideration. Rather, he composed that even violets are encircled by “spear molded leaves” and represent the way viciousness (spoke to by the leaves of these lances) hides in characteristic excellence.



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