Theory of Knowledge:

“Present knowledge is wholly dependent on past knowledge.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

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it has been argued that present knowledge is wholly reliant on past knowledge. This may true to some extent though not wholesomely. Whatever knowledge that exists today is only an improvement of what existed in the past only that is has been advanced due to emerging issues and factors. However there are also new discoveries that do not completely rely on past knowledge.

New York City is one of the most well known cities on the planet. It isn't just a tremendous business center point, yet in addition an American social image for circumstance, difficult work, vitality, and variance. Be that as it may, have you at any point pondered about the historical backdrop of this incredible city? In the event that you have, you will appreciate the accompanying sections on New York City's ancient times, European settlement, and present day advancement.

Local Americans were the principal occupants of the region of New York City. The Lenape individuals were the principle occupants in this land, and they communicated in the Algonquian language (Kraft, Herbert). These individuals utilized the conduits in their surroundings for angling, chasing outings, exchange, and even war. Truth be told, a significant number of the primary path of the Lenape are presently significant avenues in New York, for example, Broadway (Foote, Thelma Wills). Before European pioneers came, the Lenape had horticulture, created chasing procedures, and were dealing with their assets effortlessly. They even were reaping a lot of fish and shellfish (Kurlansky, Mark). As per gauges, there were around 80 settlements of the Lenape with a populace of roughly 5,000 when European pioneers came (Stanford Web Archive Timeline).

Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano was the primary European to visit the region, which was in 1524 (Morison, Samuel Eliot). Be that as it may, he didn't remain for long, and it was not until 1609 when English worker of the Dutch East India Company, Henry Hudson, was searching for a westerly entry to Asia and rather found a fine spot for beaver pelts. Hudson's report about the beaver populace of the New York City zone incited the Dutch to make exchanging provinces there (Sandler, Corey). Through 1624-1625, the establishing of the primary Dutch hide exchanging post was the place what is currently Lower Manhattan (New York City Department of Parks and Recreation). In 1626, the formation of Fort Amsterdam was started. Through the bringing of African captives to the settlement, development improved and bloomed, however there was ill will between the Native Americans and the pioneers. In February of 1643, there was the Pavonia Massacre in the territory known as present-day Jersey City, yet a harmony arrangement was in the end made on August 29th of 1645 (Ellis, Edward Robb). Shorty after, in 1652, the state was conceded self-administration.

In any case, Dutch standard was brief. The English assumed control over the settlement, renaming it "New York" out of appreciation for the Duke of York in 1664 (Homberger, Eric). It turned into a settlement of the Kingdom of England and accordingly of Great Britain. In the hands of the British, New York expanded into a full-scale city. From 1678 to 1694, 384 houses developed to 983, with a blend of African (slaves and free), Dutch, English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish individuals (Harris, Leslie M). Tragically, through war and slaughter, the number of inhabitants in the Lenape contracted to around 200. Then again, the slave exchange under British standard kept on boosting labor and furthermore Africans and Caribbeans went about as workers inside homes.

With the presentation of the Stamp Act and other tax assessment measures made by the British government, the settlers got fomented under mistreatment. Official protection from British authority started in 1765 with The Stamp Act Congress, and it in the end brought about the American Revolution beginning around the same time. The Revolution went on until 1783 under the initiative of General George Washington with the guide of France and different nations. The 13 states fabricated the Continental Army, and through much tribulation, had the option to drive out the British Army from New York and different provinces. Filling in as the main constitution of America, the Articles of Confederation was made in 1785 by Congress in New York City, and by 1798, New York City turned into the national capital of the United States as per the new United States Constitution. You can say this was the genuine beginning of the cutting edge New York City.

From a generally tranquil Native American settlement of the Lenape individuals to American guideline, New York City has had a ridiculous, turbulent history of flag evolving, slaughters, mass flames, servitude, and revolt. Presently the point of convergence of American urban culture and business, one can undoubtedly overlook what it originated from.


Kraft, Herbert. The Lenape: Archeology, history, and ethnography (New Jersey Historical Society v 21, 1986).

Foote, Thelma Wills (2004). High contrast Manhattan: The History of Racial Formation in Colonial New York. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 25. ISBN 0-19-516537-3.

Kurlansky, Mark. The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell, New York: Ballantine Books, 2006.

"Gotham Center for New York City History." Archived 2008-12-29 at the Stanford Web Archive Timeline 1700–1800.

Morison, Samuel Eliot (1971). The European Discovery of America. Volume 1: The Northern Voyages. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. p. 490. ISBN 978-0195082715.

Sandler, Corey (2007). Henry Hudson Dreams and Obsession. Fortification Press. ISBN 978-0-8065-2739-0.

"Battery Park." New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. Recovered on September 13, 2008." Recovered 2010-10-04.

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