1. Using the theory of unpleasant symptoms as a guide. What would you look for in an assessment tool for patient symptoms?
Please include 400 words with two scholarly articles no older than 5 years.
No plagiarism more than 10%
2. As an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, you will need to be assessing for pain with every patient you see in consult. Discuss a situation that a patient is experiencing pain, either acute or chronic and how you will be able to measure their pain as it relates to their age, condition and treatment. Please include an evidence based approach for the condition, or the pain scale used.
The Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms (TOUS) offers a patient-centered framework for understanding and managing symptom experiences. When choosing an assessment tool for patient symptoms, it’s crucial to align with the theory’s principles to capture the holistic nature of symptom experience. Here are key aspects to look for:
Scholarly Articles:
As an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, pain assessment is a crucial part of every consultation. Here’s how I would approach pain assessment in two different scenarios:
Scenario 1: Acute Pain in a 45-year-old Patient with Appendicitis:
Scenario 2: Chronic Pain in a 70-year-old Patient with Osteoarthritis:
Evidence-Based Approach:
Clinical practice guidelines for specific conditions offer evidence-based recommendations for pain assessment and management. For example, the American Pain Society’s guidelines for managing chronic low back pain recommend a multidisciplinary approach that includes comprehensive pain assessment, non-pharmacological interventions, and medication tailored to individual needs.
By applying the principles of the TOUS and utilizing appropriate tools and evidence-based approaches, I can ensure comprehensive and individualized pain assessments for each patient, leading to more effective pain management and improved patient outcomes.