What historical factors/backgrounds caused this event to happen?
Who were the main actors in this event? Who was affected?
What were the major debates, controversies that happened during this event?
How was this event significant to the country’s domestic politics/society?
How was this event significant to the country’s interaction with other countries?
What impact or legacy did this event have on the country’s future?
During the beginning periods of the Bible it must be replicated by hand which made its dissemination unimaginably moderate, additionally there were numerous missteps made that were rarely remedied. So as to discover what are botches there is a procedure called content analysis, where the entirety of the contents are contrasted with one another utilizing the more seasoned messages as the manual for get the most precise content conceivable. The Masoretic Text was perceived as the fundamental definitive content since it was the main complete content until 1947 where some portion of it was pulverized during riots. It was composed without the utilization of vowels which prompted various interpretations that don’t fit in the content.
Septuagint was the main interpretation of the Hebrew Bible and it was in Greek. The ruler of Egypt requested for an interpretation of the Bible into Greek Around 285 BCE. There were worries that the interpretation isn’t exact a direct result of the gigantic distinction in dialects. Indeed, even with this worry it has the most elevated Greek position conceivable in light of the fact that it was investigated by the King himself. Just the most elevated of specialists at the time took a shot at this interpretation so there would be as meager mistranslations as could be expected under the circumstances. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1946, years following more contents and parts were found. A portion of the parchments contain entire works and go back similarly as the mid third century BCE. Since the time the discoveries of the Dead Sea Scrolls the Hebrew content has been all the more completely comprehended.
Julius Wellhausen made the Documentary Hypothesis, which was the start of profound research of the Torah and Bible. He affirmed numerous things with intensive research taking into account the entirety of his work to be viewed as the firm ground for additional examination. Someone else who largy affected everybody’s exploration was William F. Albright. He came after Julius who generally utilized writings to demonstrate things while William utilized prehistoric studies to back his discoveries. He didn’t care for how Julius left out old oral conventions which persuaded that he had beaten Julius with his own examination.