To kill a mockingbird


1.    Prior to graduation, what is the mood of the graduating class and their families? How does that mood change and why?
Proir  to graduation everyone was excited and happy for for. Parents were  proud of their child and the young adults were excited to start a new  chapter in their lives. Then when Donleavy gave his speech, it changed the whole mood.He  wasn’t really supporting them to work harder, he was telling them the  reality of their place in society. The only careers really fit for them  were being farmers, maids, and field workers. Mr. Donleavy was basically  crushing their dreams on a special day for the students. He was making  sure they didn’t put their hopes so high because of the way society was  at that time.
Example answer:  I agree Justin as Mr. Donleavy gave his backhanded speech this was the  main change of attitude for Marguerite and created a vortex of self  doubt that as a black person in that time and before had all felt.

2.  What  is the effect of Mr. Donleavy’s appearance and speech at the  graduation? Explain Marguerite’s changed attitude towards herself and  others change because of Donleavy.
Mr.  Donleavy’s appearance and speech at the graduation had a negative  impact on the students.  His pompous, nonchalant attitude reflected the  fact that he did not feel the education or the student’s hard work would  be of consequence to their future.  As far as he and the other racist  white people were concerned, the Negroes would never amount to anything  more than athletes, maids, handymen, farmers, etc.  This changed  Marguerite’s attitude  towards herself and others because she initially believed she could do  anything as long as she put her mind to it. Once gave his speech to the  graduating class, the mood was somber and she said, “Donleavy had  exposed us.” (¶. 44) Despite earlier receiving the recognition for her  hard work from her family and the community, it now felt like she didn’t  accomplish anything at all.

Sample Solution

owever, Descartes has been criticised for claiming too much without having accounted for it in the Cogito. He has only managed to show that there is thinking going on, as opposed to a thing having those thoughts. At the moment, Descartes is only allowed to say that there are thoughts happening at the time they are being thought, so this suggests that he should not refer to himself as a ‘thinking thing’, as he has not proved that those thoughts belong to him.

The Lichtenberg Objection takes a similar angle by arguing that the only thing proven by the Cogito is that there is thinking happening. It suggests that the thoughts do not require a thinker, in a similar way that the happening of rain does not require a ‘rainer’. I take this to be an ineffective criticism as the analogy assumes that the essence of rain is the same as that of thoughts. However, it seems that thoughts are similar in essence to that of walking. Walking requires a walker and thoughts require a thinker.

Descartes starts the sixth meditation off by establishing his body and the material world. To do this, he explains the difference between imagination and intellect, and how imagination requires more effort. Imagination is not an essential part of the ‘thinking thing’ that he considers himself to be, so if he possessed a body, it would explain the existence of imagination. He concludes that it is likely that he has a body which experiences the external world.

He then returns to the Cogito to prove that not only is he a thinking thing, but that he has a mind which is separate to his body. As a radical dualist, he believes that the mind possesses completely different properties to the mind, which in turn, leads to him to believe that they cannot be one and the same thing. The body is a divisible, unessential and extended substance whereas the mind is certain, essential and indivisible.

With various methods, Descartes has tried to establish that not only does his body exist, but his mind does too. The Cogito has tried to prove that he is a ‘thinking thing’ which was then developed upon to prove the existence of a body and mind. Although I consider the Cogito proving him to be a ‘Res Cogitans’ a success, the methods in which he confirms the existence of a body fall short and opens itself up to criticism. Thus, I b

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