Totally Sufficient

T​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​EXTBOOK NEEDED: Authors: Ed Hindson & Howard Eyrich Totally Sufficient, The Bible and Christian Counseling, Revised Edition ISBN: 978-1857929607 ASSIGNMENT ONE: After reading Totally Sufficient, writ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​e an 8-page Critical Review of the entire book. A Critical Review is more than a summary. It involves interacting with its contents: Do you agree? Do you disagree? If you disagree, explain why you disagree​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​.


Sample Solution

In Totally Sufficient: The Bible and Christian Counseling, Revised Edition, Ed Hindson and Howard Eyrich provide a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between biblical texts and the principles of Christian counseling. Throughout this text, the authors examine how scripture can be used to better understand mental health issues from a biblical perspective. They also discuss how different aspects of Christian counseling such as prayer, forgiveness, submission to authority figures, discernment, and hope are presented in scripture.

Overall, I believe that Hindson and Eyrich have done an admirable job in their work by providing readers with various insight into how scripture relates to Christian counseling. They present multiple examples from both Old Testament scriptures as well as New Testament passages which they use to make their points effectively. Furthermore, they explain these points clearly so that readers may easily understand them without having any prior knowledge on the subject matter. Additionally, one noteworthy aspect of this book is its inclusion of various case studies which demonstrate how practice has been applied using bible-based methods in real life situations involving mental health issues. This provides greater context for understanding the implications behind concepts discussed throughout the book’s chapters.

At times however I do find some parts hard to follow due to overly complex language within certain sections or prolonged sentences which span multiple lines at once making it difficult for me to retain all details being discussed by authors at any given point in time (Hindson & Eyrich 2021). Moreover when discussing certain subjects such as freedom from sin or need for discipline under authority figures , authors refer back repeatedly over several pages making argument repetitive rather than expanding upon potential applications . In my opinion including more practical examples related specifically towards modern world would assist reader better connect ideas being brought forth throughout textbook .

All in all though , Totally Sufficient is an incredibly valuable resource material intended specifically towards counselors looking gain deeper understanding into correlation between Bible and Mental Health Therapy . Authors have managed illustrate vast range topics met during counseling sessions while still providing relevant evidence support their assertions through incorporating various case studies during discussions . As result , I believe that any individual studying field psychology should definitely look into this text if looking further explore connections existing between two fields.

Secondary school grade point midpoints can be assessed and utilized for confirmation screening, and a few examinations have demonstrated them to be the best indicator of scholastic progress in school (Salvatori, 2001). Be that as it may, more forward thinking understudies than any other time are getting back to school numerous years after their secondary school graduation. These understudies bring long periods of certifiable experience and created hard working attitudes which are not reflected in their secondary school grades yet which could influence their school and medical care calling achievement. Lacks in scholastic planning frequently cause issues for nursing understudies when they enter nursing courses, bringing about significant changes and additionally disappointments. Characterizing scholastic outcome in school grade point midpoints and figuring out which essential courses can foresee achievement are significant in a particular confirmation process (Lewis and Lewis 2000). Science and nursing course grades have been exhibited areas of strength for as indicators of fruitful program fulfillment (Campbell and Dickson, 1996), yet understudies have previously been acknowledged into a program by then. Lewis and Lewis (2000) found fruitful understudies regularly had taken at least two life systems and physiology courses preceding nursing program affirmation. This study will mean to decide the indicators of understudy progress in nursing programs that will help nursing program determination boards of trustees in deciding confirmation rules that most precisely gauges the potential for effective finishing.


Issue Statement The number of inhabitants in attendants in America is maturing additionally, including the workforce answerable for the schooling of future medical caretakers, thus schools and colleges are encountering hardships in seeing as capable, credentialed personnel. As the nursing lack is distributed in the news media and discussed among everybody, a rising number of people are looking to enter the field as late secondary school graduates or as grown-ups getting back to school briefly vocation. Enlistment in nursing programs expanded consistently from 2001 ‘ 2006 as per the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Nonetheless, induction into most schools stays restricted because of the personnel understudy proportions expected by state sheets and public overseeing associations, and because of the numerous unfilled workforce positions the country over (Ramsburg, 2007). Information gathered in 2006 by AACN shows that more that 32,000 program candidates who were scholastically qualified may have been gotten some distance from nursing programs. Moreover, numerous understudies who are acknowledged into nursing programs don’t finish the program because of individual issues or bombing grades. In light of the rising medical services needs, the deficiency of experts, and the financial environment, the weight falls on nursing projects to keep a cautious harmony between acknowledged understudies and effective alumni. Nursing programs are presently tested by confirmations choices that will yield the most elevated maintenance and graduation rates. Pass rates on the public licensure test, NCLEX, are additionally significant in deciding the progress of understudies the most appropriate for the nursing calling. Degrees of consistency and graduation rates in Missouri are lower than the public benchmark since understudy choice advisory groups can’t precisely distinguish indicator factors that sufficiently measure the likelihood of outcome in different passage level nursing programs (Penprase, 2013).


Reason and Significance The motivation behind the present enlightening correlational review is recognizing indicator factors that will help choice boards of trustees of nursing projects to decide models of confirmations which most precisely measure the potential for effective fulfillment inside the recommended curricular time period. Screening and specific affirmations processes for nursing programs are important to choose the top, probably going

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