Toxic Masculinity and the Effects on Men being able to show vulnerability and a range of emotions




Remember that your paper will be 3-4 pages (not including your cover page and references). Your research paper should address the following:

– Provide an overview of the research on your psychological concept
– Describe how the issue impacts an individual’s growth and development
– Discuss the role of the media and political policies/laws in influencing this topic
– Discuss applications: What can be done to help improve or address this issue? What can be done to promote awareness on this issue?




Sample Solution

Toxic masculinity is a term used to describe traditional masculine gender roles and behaviors associated with dominance, aggression, risk-taking and stoicism that are detrimental to an individual’s growth and development (Levant et al. 2007). Research has found that these types of behavior patterns can lead to poor mental health outcomes such as depression and anxiety (Brunton & White 2017). They also limit men’s ability to express their full range of emotions which can result in difficulty forming meaningful personal relationships (Brooks 2018).

Additionally toxic masculinity has been linked with a higher likelihood for men engaging in substance use or exhibiting violent behaviors (Rudman & Emory 2006). This type of behavior can have long lasting effects on both the physical and psychological well being of individuals due to the damaging consequences it often leads to. Studies have shown that it is not only those who engage in this type of behavior who suffer but also those around them who experience its impact through workplace bullying, domestic violence or sexual assault (Levant et al. 2018 ).

In conclusion, toxic masculinity has been identified as having serious implications for an individual’s growth and development due to its association with negative mental health outcomes, limited emotional expression, substance abuse issues and violent behavior.



The Revenger’s Tragedy

Misfortune of Avengers What sort of misfortune is this? By definition, the misfortune is “a staggering, excruciating, dismal occasion”. Notwithstanding, the awfulness of Avengers doesn’t uncover every one of these highlights. It is frightful and abnormal, loaded with wicked, brutal, dead and maniacal grisly clarifications, however this is certainly not a dismal story. Instead of cause the crowd to feel distress, they regularly draw mind blowing doubtful feelings. The reason for the misfortune isn’t inefficient sorrow, however to utilize retaliation as a persuading intends to cause contempt.

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” shows the overall components found in the awfulness of the retribution of the renaissance (“misfortune of vengeance”). Be that as it may, despite the fact that Hamlet is a misfortune of vengeance, Shakespeare confounds the essential retribution plot by making three vengeance plots. By including significant advancements, Shakespeare makes ‘Ship of the Concentric Revenge Miwa’ (Frye 90) which is definitely not a physical legend yet a phantom, not an apparition, yet a scholarly saint who is an issue. did. viewpoint

In this investigation of retribution and vengeance of Elizabeth ‘s vengeance, the two plays I see are the “Hamlet” of William Shakespeare and “The Tragedy of Avengers” of Thomas Middleton. After first observing the treatment of the dramatist ‘s Avengers’ character, different characters in the play will deal with the Avengers. Despite the fact that their essential topic and shows are comparable, the two plays show a differentiating picture of vengeance; rather than “Vindicator’s misfortune”, Hamlet is an increasingly complex of his hero Provide treatment restricted by the creator’s social data and lacking

The awfulness of vengeance (some of the time called retribution dramatization, vengeance show or grisly misfortune) is a sort of hypothesis whose fundamental subject is the deadly aftereffect of vengeance and retribution. American instructor Ashley H. Thorndiek formally reported the awfulness of vengeance in the 1902 article “Connection among Hamlet and contemporary retribution show”, recorded the advancement of the hero’s retribution plan, and frequently killers and Avengers Brought about his own passing. This sort previously showed up in the early current British distributed by Thomas Kid’s “Misfortune of Spain” in the last 50% of the sixteenth century. Early works, for example, Jasper Heywood ‘s Seneca (1560’ s), Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville ‘s play Gorbuduc (1561) were additionally viewed as a misfortune of vengeance. Different misfortunes of renowned retribution incorporate the awfulness of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet (1599-1602), Titus Andronics (1588-1593), Thomas Middleton’s Avengers (around 1606).




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