Transportation engineering

With the continuing economic, technological, and societal development, the public needs and expectations for the transportation system continue to evolve and grow (In addition to technologies, the needs may also originate from factors such as public health, safety, welfare, cultural, social, environmental and economic aspects). One important component of the system is transportation and geotechnical engineering designs.

Write a 2- or 3-page single-spaced statement addressing the following items: a) What do you believe is the principal challenge faced by the civil engineer in meeting these needs and expectations? b) Is this challenge a local, regional, national, or global challenge? (explain your answer). c) What fields of knowledge beyond traditional transportation engineering are needed? d) How have specific out of class, out of department, or in class/department activities or projects trained you to address the particular challenge you identified in part (a)?


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American Style of Communication Compared to the European one

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quote freya starkPeople regularly talk about social contrasts among western and eastern nations. Without a doubt, the perspective, conventions, strict traditions, living conditions, etc in these nations are route not quite the same as each other; in any case, what about the western world itself? Shockingly, a more intensive see it can uncover a large number of inquisitive insights about the route individuals of, for instance, Europe and North America talk, carry on, and convey by and large. Truth be told, the contrasts among Europeans and Americans are various to such an extent that one could compose a book about it.

Maybe, the most clear quality of most of Americans is that they grin a ton. It doesn’t make a difference whether they have a solid motivation to grin, they do it. A grin isn’t only a ground-breaking advertising device, helping merchants sell more products or draw in clients; for an American, it is additionally an approach to show that somebody is inviting, that life all in all is fine, and that an individual is happy to see you when meeting you. Europeans, in actuality, like to keep an increasingly unbiased outward appearance. They grin generally when they are feeling acceptable, or feel delighted, etc; in any case, if there is no solid motivation to grin, an European’s face will stay nonpartisan, or even dull. This particularly alludes to eastern European individuals; in Russia, for instance, there is an axiom saying that “chuckling for reasons unknown is an indication of an idiot.” Still, it doesn’t imply that Europeans are bleak, or that they don’t have a comical inclination. A similar alludes to correspondence when all is said in done. Americans are amazingly informative; casual discussion and visits are normal. Europeans talk generally when there is a comment, and once in a while enter correspondence only for conversing with others.

The following huge distinction is political rightness. America works superbly by making such huge numbers of ethnic and strict gatherings of individuals live respectively calmly, and political accuracy is a major assistance right now. Be that as it may, there is a drawback: you need to focus on what you state constantly, in light of the fact that a normal American is somewhat simple to affront. Indeed, even a companion’s valuable analysis might be seen as an interruption or an affront. American individuals like to communicate what they think cautiously, taking into account how it may influence encompassing individuals. Europeans, in spite of the fact that being politically right too, are increasingly clear, even with new individuals. An European companion will quite often communicate their feeling on various events, and won’t stop for a second to advise you that you have to lose some weight, dump your accomplice, or scrub down.

Americans are a country of extraordinary differentiations. Maybe just in America you can discover unfathomably liberal and adaptable individuals who can without much of a stretch grasp everything new, consolidate it in their lives, and appreciate it; right now, can discover strict fan that despite everything have confidence in the show fate. Europeans are decently traditionalist; in spite of the fact that they don’t emphatically restrict new thoughts and can endure numerous oddities, they are for the most part individuals holding fast to more seasoned ways and customs. There are numerous strict individuals in Europe (just as skeptics) yet not at all like Americans, they don’t show their otherworldly direction as frequently.

In spite of the fact that Europe and America are portions of the western world, individuals possessing them are diverse from numerous points of view. For the most part, it very well may be said that Americans are individuals of differentiations. They are receptive, adaptable, and prepared to grasp everything new; and yet, American culture figures out how to breed unimaginable preservationists and strict aficionados. Europeans, contrasted with Americans, are progressively moderate. Besides, Americans grin a great deal—now and then essentially due to decorum; Europeans for the most part grin for an explanation, and if there is none, they like to keep an unbiased outward appearance. Americans are incredibly politically right; in most of cases, it is in reality a recipient practice, however it can likewise destroy day by day or even private interchanges, at times forestalling having cozy connections; Europeans, despite what might be expected, are progressively clear, wanting to come clean in direct (albeit perhaps not lovely) ways. Every method for correspondence is extraordinary—nor is right or off base.

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