Simple Linear Regression, Residual Analysis and Regression Assumptions
(30 points) The Excel file National Football League provides various data on professional football for one season.
Construct a scatter diagram for points/game and yards/game in the Excel file. Does there appear to be a linear relationship?
Use the Regression tool to develop a model for predicting points/game as a function of yards/game. Explain the statistical significance of the model and R^2 value.
Analyze the residuals to determine if the assumptions underlying the regression analysis are valid. In addition, use the standard residuals to determine if any possible outliers exist.
Building Good Regression Models
(40 points) Use the data in the Excel file Job Satisfaction to find the best multiple regression model to predict the overall satisfaction as a function of the other variables.
Show your steps to build the best regression model.
What managerial implications does your result have?
Regression with Categorical Independent Variables
(30 points) A national homebuilder builds single-family homes and condominium-style townhouses. The Excel file House Sales provides information on the selling price, lot cost, type of home, and region of the country (M = Midwest, S = South) for closings during on month.
Develop a multiple regression model for sales price as a function of lot cost and type of home without any interaction term.
Determine if an interaction exists between lot cost and type of home and find the best model.
What is the predicted price for either a single-family home or a townhouse with a lot cost of $30,000?
ial networks increasingly become integrated into our society, changing curriculums by embedding social networks is a question to be considered. As such, VR devices can benefit students’ education and learning abilities by making them more engaged with their learning process, which can be better than current teaching methods.
In contemporary society, students are accustomed to receiving information through interactive learning environments due to the rise of social media. Their knowledge of news and education outside of the classroom comes from informal experiences such as posts and videos on platforms such as Snapchat or Instagram. In contrast, according to Elliot Hu-Au and Joey J. Lee, a doctoral student and a lecture professor, respectively, of Columbia University, students’ education in a classroom setting comes from “transmissionist methods such as lectures, leading to passive, disengaged students”(Hu-Au and Lee 2). Because students are more accustomed to interactive learning environments, school environments are boring, leading to disengagement. A study conducted by Dorothy Lucardie, a researcher and administrator of adult education, found that in a learning environment “fun and enjoyment did provide a great motivator for participation and learning” and that it aided in a “greater absorption of the learning content” (Lucardie 6). This study shows that disengaged students who take no interest in class education, have lower absorption of content, thus leading to a worse overall learning experience. Also, an increase in student disengagement leads to “many unfavourable behaviours hindering student success, including dissatisfaction, negative experience, and dropping out of school”(Hu-Au and Lee 4). The introduction of VR to educational facilities can “provide an opportunity to boost student engagement”(Hu-Au and Lee 4). VR allows a student to have hands-on experience with all types of situations. This experience likely is new to many students, encouraging them to stay engaged with VR. Student disengagement is clearly linked to lower learning capabilities and because VR boosts student engagement, VR should be implemented into educational facilities.
Already many facilities such as The Arlington Science Focus School in Arlington, VA; the Gaelscoil Eoghain Ui Thuairisc school in Carlow, Ireland; the Drury University in Springfield, MO; and many others are seeing the advantages of education through VR implementation. They have found that the introduction of VR into educational institutes beneficially affected the way students understood a concept. Marianne Stenger, a journalist from the online education provider OpenColleges, claims that it allows students to “learn from realistic scenarios without the risk of practicing an unfamiliar skill in an uncontrol