Within your research you may consider trends in agriculture, food technology, global cuisines, cooking and dining appropriate to your topic. You should develop a title that may be in the form of a statement or a question.
The Impact of Food Technology on Global Cuisine
In recent years, advances in food technology have revolutionized the way we prepare and consume our meals on a global scale. From refrigeration and preservation techniques to advancements in cooking methods and equipment, food technology has had an immense impact on the development of modern cuisine. By creating access to ingredients from any part of the world, chefs are now able to create new dishes by combining elements from various types of cooking styles into one dish or menu item (Chhim et al., 2011). This has led to the emergence of what we now call fusion cuisine–a combination of two distinct cuisines that are united together to create unique flavors and dishes.
Food science is also beginning to play an increasingly important role when it comes to understanding how certain ingredients can be used together to bring out their maximum flavor potential. For instance, chefs can experiment with different combinations and proportions as well as temperatures and cooking times in order to achieve desired results (Henderson & Peaslee 2012). This means that they have much greater precision in their preparations which enables them explore more exotic flavor profiles without compromising quality or taste.
Moreover, food technology provides us with solutions for those looking for convenient ways to make delicious meals at home without having to spend hours over a stove. Many companies now offer pre-prepared meal kits complete with step-by-step instructions which make it possible for even novice cooks to prepare restaurant quality dishes with ease (Yedidia et al., 2011). Furthermore this allows people who may not necessarily have access traditional ingredients imported from distant countries due cost or availability issues still enjoy international flavors while staying within budget (Kongerud & Løkkenbakken 2018).
It is clear then that food technology has not only made gourmet dining more accessible but also opened up opportunities for innovation within global cuisines–resulting in the emergence of fusion cuisine which continues to build upon itself today.
As discussed by Bottazzo (2005), a company’s employees are one of its main groups of potential stakeholders. As a result, the satisfaction of employees is considered equal to the satisfaction of customers and shareholders, becoming an important element of an organisation’s strategic mission. This has created a paradigm shift of internal communication from one-way informing of employees, to a two-way communication with the inclusion of training, education and motivation.
The goal of internal communication is to achieve employee-company advocacy, with workers buying into the missions and values of the organisation and reflect those to other potential stakeholders. Therefore it’s necessary for Recticel to maintain the use of different platforms for everyday communication, including email, telephone, webinars and Skype – which allows a range of users to ‘dial in’ to a meeting and share computer screens. For a multi-national company, well-rounded communication from management is crucial – to offer information, support and a sense of community for plants that cannot be supported through emails or phone calls alone (Pinsky, 2015).
Recticel address this through an internal intranet system, RICK (Recticel Intranet Centre of Knowledge). RICK contains all of the documents, training and support required by individual plants to help run their business successfully. In a manufacturing environment, changes can take place rapidly – this method of instantaneous communication will assist individual plants to sync their business activities.
RICK boosts the company’s efforts of ‘on boarding’ – the introduction of new employees to the company. In a company of this size, the automation of an on boarding programme streamlines talent management initiatives and improves productivity long term. A personalised level of access to the intranet system facilitates a steady flow of well-timed information to new employees (Friedmann, 2012). There are instances where automation in the ‘on boarding’ and communication processes have their disadvantages. In large manufacturing companies like Recticel, where most employees work the assembly line rather than at a desk, not all employees have the same access to information and training.