1 Identify the five functions every manager must perform and briefly explain each and what are the three types of supervisory relationships? Explain
2) Identify major problems that could prevent accomplishment of your objective. What contingency planning could be done to avert them or minimize their impact?
While most positions and departments within a business are tasked with specific duties based on particular knowledge, expertise, or company needs, managers can have a broader and more complex set of responsibilities. More than just specialized knowledge, management requires an ability to navigate numerous procedural, structural, and interpersonal challenges in the process of guiding one’s team to the completion of various goals. Originally identified by Henri Fayol as five elements, there are now four commonly accepted functions of management that encompass these necessary skills: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
Here are the three types of supervisory relationships:
The best type of supervisory relationship depends on the specific situation. In some cases, an authoritarian supervisor may be more effective, while in other cases, a democratic or laissez-faire supervisor may be more effective. The key is to choose the type of supervisory relationship that is most likely to be successful in the particular situation.
In addition to the five functions and three types of supervisory relationships, there are a few other things that managers need to be aware of. These include:
By understanding the five functions of management, the three types of supervisory relationships, and other important skills, managers can be more effective in their roles.