As you study accounting it is important to know that, while you may not be an accountant, understanding how accounting information is used in making decisions will make you better able to contribute in a business setting.
You and your business partner have just launched your own company. Business is going very well, and the two of you are now trying to make decisions about marketing and production and accounting. Regarding accounting, your partner has expressed the opinion that the company has little need for gathering financial information about what has happened in the past—the company needs to be focused on the future.
State at least two reasons a company needs information about past business transactions and how these support future business decisions.
Why should you review and analyze previous financial data to establish areas which have generated a profit or loss as part of financial management planning? Information gleaned from these analyses and from cash flow trends, product/ service costings etc will all contribute to a determination of what the organization can do over the next period and what needs to be incorporated into the budget to support the organization’s goals. It also helps to create budget and future projections. Budgeting and future projections can make or break a business, and your financial records will play a crucial role when it comes to it. Business trends and projections are based on historical financial data to keep your operations profitable.
The articles chosen for this research were very helpful and profound. The articles explained how dyslexia works and how it functions differently in all students. The first article used was named Learning Disabilities by Max Wiznitzer and Debora L. Scheffel. This article stated the different learning disabilities involving students. They are present from birth or early childhood, neurologically based, and impact on the ability to learn or process information. Later on in the article it stated how Dyslexia was 80% of the disabilities that children had today. At the end of the article it stated how you can find out if your child has Dyslexia. The physician is the first professional approached by the family with concerns regarding developmental functioning. The purpose of this visit should include problems that the physician may have seen in your child. After he or she should refer you academic testing or any methods of teaching to help your child. Neurologic Examination of the School-age and Adolescent Child was an article that pertained to helping to better understand how Dyslexia comes about. The neurologic examination is a very versatile diagnostic instrument when determining Dyslexia. When using it one should detect localizing and lateralizing signs of nervous system abnormalities, and determine reliably the maturational level of cognitive, emotional, and motor capacities, as well as physical growth and development. Standardized test are usually helpful to analyze age appropriate specific hearing and visual loss problems found on the neurologic evaluation; to evaluate nerve and muscle functions further; or to quantitatively characterize developmental language disorders or dyslexia. Results were found an article called Quality of phonological representations, verbal learning, and phoneme awareness in dyslexic and normal readers, the article stated that results pre-test measures are displayed in two different groups. The two groups differed significantly on the measure of non-word decoding even though they matched closely on silent word decoding. In high school it gets even harder for students who have Dyslexia. Most of them become shy and even withdrawn from others while trying to finish their career in high school; sometimes even end up being put in special education. The article named Visual skills of poor readers in high school shows how some students in California were suffering in high school from being Dyslexic. Visual skills and visual acuity were measured in 461 students (average age 15.4 years) in 4 California high schools within the same school district. Participating st