Design a unit of instruction and present an overview of your plan. The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain a big-picture view of instructional design for a specific topic.
Produce a unit of instruction containing each of the elements listed below and present it in a Microsoft PowerPoint (or equivalent slide presentation program). The entire length of your presentation may not exceed 20 slides. A Unit Portfolio Example has been provided for your reference.
c. State, national, and InTASC standards addressed by the unit. See the links provided with this assignment. Only Virginia Standards of Learning or Common Core Standards may be used for state standards.
2. The specific character principles addressed in the unit. Describe how each character quality or life skill will be integrated.
3. A list of the specific learning objectives covered by the entire unit. The learning objectives should be succinct and contain a clear Condition, Performance, and Criterion. Here is an objective example with each part color-coded (Condition, Performance, Criterion): After reading three fictional short stories, the student will correctly identify each story’s main conflict and resolution from a list of choices with 4/6 identified correctly.
4. A listing of the key critical concepts being addressed in the unit. The key critical concepts are ones that arise and permeate throughout the unit (e.g., democracy, freedom, environmental influence, etc.). Your unit plan should include an exploration of these key concepts throughout.
5. Context of where the unit lies within a course and the unit’s series of lessons. Provide this context in the following:
a. Course map – Create a flowchart or graphic of all units for that grade/subject, demonstrating where your unit falls within that series.
b. Unit map – Create a flowchart or graphic of all the lessons for your unit. All lessons in the unit map should be related and build toward the unit’s learning objectives.
This unit of instruction aims to introduce students to the concept of character education and its importance in developing well-rounded individuals. Through a series of engaging activities and discussions, students will explore various character qualities and life skills, such as responsibility, empathy, respect, and integrity. They will also gain an understanding of how these qualities can be applied in their daily lives to make positive contributions to their communities.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
State, National, and InTASC Standards Addressed
This unit aligns with the following state, national, and InTASC standards:
Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL)
National Association for Character Education (NACE) Character Development Framework
International Teacher Standards (InTASC) Model Standards
Character Principles Addressed
This unit addresses the following character principles:
Integration of Character Principles
Character qualities will be integrated throughout the unit through a variety of activities and discussions. For example, students will engage in role-playing scenarios to practice demonstrating responsibility and empathy. They will also participate in group projects to develop their teamwork and collaboration skills. Additionally, students will reflect on their own character strengths and areas for growth.
This unit of instruction provides a comprehensive introduction to character education, empowering students to become responsible, empathetic, respectful, and integral individuals. By fostering an understanding and appreciation of character qualities, we can help students develop the essential skills and dispositions needed to thrive in their personal, academic, and professional lives.