

or resources for this paper, go to the Weekly Materials for Weeks 3 and 4.
Part 1 Philosophy Definitions:
Provide definitions for the following terms and describe how each of these philosophies are used in business. Be sure to cite this information as it coming from your research. The definitions should not just be a cut and paste but rather paraphrased and properly cited. Be specific in the business use of each philosophy.
• Egoism
• Utilitarianism
• Deontology
• Justice
• Relativism
• Virtue Ethics
Part 2 Business Application:
• Promoting an Ethical Culture: Discuss how a business can promote an ethical culture and what are the key leadership considerations.
• Communicating Expectations: Discuss how the company informs employees of the company expectations for creating and maintaining an ethical culture.
• Challenges and Benefits: Discuss the challenges and benefits in promoting a specific philosophy that applies to a business environment and how an organization can get employee buy-in.
Submit as a Word document, APA formatted paper with sources using in-text citations. Title and reference pages must also be included. The DU Library provides a sample APA paper template.
Length: Three content pages minimum (not including the title page or reference page). Be sure to include an Introduction, the bulleted items for the body of the paper, and a Conclusion. This is a research-based assignment. Be sure to properly cite all information gathered from your research.


Sample Solution

Utilitarianism is one of the best known and most influential moral theories. Like other forms of consequentialism, its core idea is that whether actions are morally right or wrong depends on their effects. More specifically, the only effects of actions that are relevant are the good and bad results that they produce. Historically, utilitarian philosophers played an important role in many struggles that are today recognized as ethically significant. In business context, utilitarianism implies an obligation for businesses to do what they can act in a way that maximizes happiness and minimizes suffering. So, utilitarianism provides a basis for criticizing business behaviors that cause harm to anyone at all.

to find a scope of pony chestnut trees under various counterfeit light powers was executed. No thought was given to some other factors like size or age. 30 trees were settled on. The trees were all in Bristol, Joined Realm and went in area from Durdham Downs down into Clifton Town. The distance between the farthest trees was 1.7 miles. Each tree was given a number and its area was recorded utilizing Google MapsTM. The trees chose were across a scope of night light, from totally dim by road lighting to being encircled by road lighting.

2.2 Flyer Assortment

To precisely archive which trees the leaves were from, they were gathered prior to gathering the light information. Over a time of seven days, visits to the 30 foreordained trees were made. A pony chestnut tree leaf comprises of five to seven pamphlets. To keep up with consistency, the focal pamphlet was taken from each leaf and cut at the foundation of the handout utilizing scissors. It was this flyer that was saved for later examination. At each tree, ten handouts were gathered. To choose which handouts to take, it was resolved which pamphlet was most minimal on the outside of the tree. The nine excess handouts were then gathered from around the underlying pamphlet inside a 30cm breadth. When the flyers from one tree had been gathered, they were placed into a sack which was named with the tree number. A photo was then taken remaining under the tree at the point the leaves were gathered from, holding the numbered pack.

The leaves were taken into the research center around the same time they were gathered and shot utilizing a Standard EOS M3 camera (Ordinance, Joined Realm). This was to keep the leaf in the manner it was found on the off chance that any diggers that were as yet alive kept on eating the leaf whenever it had been taken out from the tree. They were shot by mounting the camera on a stand and keeping the camera settings reliable so the photos would be all of a similar quality when it came to the examination. The pamphlets were put on a white foundation with the tree number sticker close to it so they could be ordered accurately once the photos were all taken. There was likewise a 30cm ruler in shot to permit a scale bar to be utilized when it came to examining the handouts.

2.3 Light Assortment

When the flyers were all captured, light assortment started. Between October 23rd and November fourteenth, a multi week time span, light information was gathered from the trees around Clifton Town on a Sunday and from the trees around Durdham Downs on a Monday. It was guaranteed that it was totally dull before any information assortment started. Along these lines, information from every one of the 30 trees couldn’t be gathered in that frame of mind because of wellbeing concerns. To forestall this affecting the information, it was guaranteed information was gather

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