Based on your readings and the examples in the video, do you believe that punishment of criminal offenders is ethically and morally appropriate? In other words, does inflicting harm to a criminal offender (e.g., putting in prison takes away freedom, thus a harm), provide the greatest good for the greatest number? Should the Criminal Justice System be concerned with the utilitarian model or are there other, more effective, reasons for punishing criminal offenders?
Write your summary, in a minimum of 400 words, in a Word document (.doc or .docx), using appropriate APA format. If you choose to include the prompt in your document, the prompt does not contribute toward the minimum word count. Upload it to this assignment by the due date.
All legal orders require a system of punishment. When a criminal transgresses a law, some mediating authority, usually the government or a branch thereof, punishes them. There are, however, competing rationales for why and how the administration should punish criminals. Consequently, there are several theories of punishment in criminal law. Utilitarian is one of the main theories of punishment. Utilitarianism is the moral theory that holds that the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by the balance of good over evil that is produced by that action. According to the utilitarian, the rationale of punishment is entirely to prevent further crime by either reforming the criminal or protecting society from him and to deter others from crime through fear of punishment.
mmunity Language learning or educating getting the hang concerning as shown by Curran (1976), proposes a pleasant and warm climate where understudies are encouraged to rehearse exercises to convey in the homeroom and understudies actually face challenges without feeling undermined. Seliger (1977) in an observational assessment made a refinement of the understudies at the constraints of interest in a study hall setting and the effect of homeroom correspondence on their Language limit. Information were collected through a semester and he contemplated that there were two kinds of understudies considering verbal collaboration; he called them ‘ high info generators’ and ‘low information generators’
The results of training by Zarfsaz et al. (2014), show that for generally safe takers, tension, class activities and Uncertainty Resistance are the most upsetting elements while for high-daring individuals, class action is the main component and second indispensable variables are Vagueness Resilience and class size. In their subjective information examination of the ten interviewees as the outcomes show that 90% of the members have uplifting perspectives toward risk-taking and they believe that dynamic commitment and hazard taking is a decent activity for Language students and high daring people are better Understudies. Fixing students’ error in a more amiable manner and featuring that everybody can commit error and committing error is important for their schooling adds to students’ gamble taking expertise and motivates them to face challenges. They additionally tracked down that instructors’ mentality, style and strategy as controlling elements on Understudies tension level likewise significantly affect homeroom circumstance and climate and can be estimated engaging or weakening for students’ Gamble Taking limit.
The writing in the field of second language obtaining has likewise uncovered different hypotheses to make sense of daring people. A reasonable occurrence is Krashen’s Screen Theory. Be that as it may, Krashen doesn’t allude explicitly to the idea of chance taking in his examinations, the gamble taking develop and its particulars are suggested in a significant number of them. As per Ortega (2009, p.198) in basic terms, daring people and chance loath understudies can measure up separately to Krashen’s “underusers” and “over clients” of the screen gadget. The over clients are profoundly worried about altering their language achievement and mindfully think their expressions; subsequently, they as a rule address lacking oral familiarity (Krashen as refered to in Mitchell and Myles, 2004). Screen over clients have the particular of “carefulness” shared by risk-opposed understudies in the language homeroom. Then again, under clients are accepted to be more careless in their utilization of the language.