In Vauhini Vara’s article”Ghosts,” she uses AI to help her write about the death of her sister. What role do you think artificial intelligence should, or will, play for students writing in the future? We already use applications like spellcheck and autocomplete–where do you think we should draw the line for the use of these types of applications with student writing? Link to article
Gone are the days of visiting the library to photocopy a few pages from an encyclopedia for a school project. As technology and society continue to evolve and develop, the way we learn will also continue to change, for children and adults alike. The rapid advancement of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) impacts all industries, including education. Using AI in education holds many benefits for both students and teachers: learning resources can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. AI-powered assistive writing technology can offer language suggestions while a researcher writes. For example, Paperpal offers an add-in for Word that makes real-time suggestions on grammar, punctuation, style, and readability. With the aid of AI writing tools, you may produce better emails, blog posts, and polished texts that will pique readers` interests.
The transdermal fix has numerous positive attributes, making it a powerful intercession. One potential gain to this technique for nicotine substitution treatment is that it is not difficult to utilize; a client just applies it to their skin and doesn’t need to stress over it for the afternoon (Wadgave and Nagesh, 2016). Different mediations require consideration, which could make adherence hard for certain clients. One more advantage to the treatment is that the fix gives a consistent measure of nicotine, permitting it to endure longer than different treatments, for example, gums or capsules which are fleeting concerning their remedial impacts (Wadgave and Nagesh, 2016). All the more significantly, this type of treatment is the most un-habit-forming in view of its continuous arrival of nicotine (Wadgave and Nagesh, 2016). For some, this is a successful treatment as they can diminish their measurements until they feel sufficiently good to live without nicotine and tobacco.
The transdermal fix additionally has many cons to it; one of the cons of this type of recovery is that the client might have skin responses (Wadgave and Nagesh, 2016). To stay away from this, it is suggested that the client switches the position of their fix. Another con is that the fix doesn’t treat capably intense desires for nicotine not at all like the gum or capsule. In this manner, uses might fall back on other nicotine items while on the fix to fulfill that craving (Wadgave and Nagesh, 2016). This might cause an episode of backslide on the off chance that the client can’t deal with areas of strength for them desires. Nicotine glut is conceivable if one smokes or uses one more type of nicotine substitution treatment while on the fix. Moreover, rest unsettling influences are one more symptom of the fix, particularly for the people who wear them for 24 hours (Wadgave and Nagesh, 2016). There are different advantages and disadvantages to consider when concluded which type of nicotine substitution is proper; regardless, the nicotine fix has been demonstrated to be viable in aiding many live sans tobacco (Wadgave and Nagesh, 2016).