Topic Proposal: In “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”, Laura Mulvey discusses the use of male gaze and its existence in the mainstream Hollywood film industry, often produced by men and informed by their masculine views, diminishing women as objects to be “looked at” in sexual representations. Mulvey argues that Sigmund Freud’s theory of scopophilia and its presence within modern day film is the main reason behind hyper-sexualized portrayal of women in cinema. Mulvey also claims that to some extent, the male viewer in a darkened cinema may lose their own egos by adopting the identity of the film’s male protagonist. Before conducting research on examples of the male gaze in today’s film industry, the first film that came to mind was the 2013 movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”. Though this movie aired around 9 years ago, I still remember vividly to this day the hyper-sexualized main female character, Naomi. I have selected the photo below for my final project topic and will discuss how Mulvey’s theories apply to the image, as well as the film’s other overarching themes. Image link: Feedback from prof on proposal: The assignment instructions also say: you might want to use the image to demonstrate some of the theoretical weaknesses of the concept, such as rigidity or narrowness. Perhaps you find that certain kinds of viewers and viewing are marginalized or unaccounted for in a certain philosophical position. (We have seen charges such as these levelled against Foucault and Mulvey, to cite just two examples.) In the case of this image, the female conforms to our idealized notion of what a woman should look like according to the male gaze; however, I also think you could make a strong argument against the image representing strictly the theory of a male gaze. This is something I’d like you to think about, and I’d be happy to discuss it with you if you like. Presenting more than one perspective makes for a much more interesting paper. References I found:,be%20utilized%20in%20film%20theory%2C Other: Please ensure no plagiarism, please use at least 5 sources, and focus on visual representation of the theoretical model “The Male Gaze” from the photo. Instructions: A 2500-word thought paper. While a thought paper can (and in this case, does) include research, it does not pretend to be objective. Writing a thought paper provides an opportunity to reflect on a topic at length, to turn itover in your mind, and approach it from a number of angles. It is exploratory rather than explanatory, and part of that exploration involvestrying to increase your level of self-awareness by reflecting on the evolution of your own position. Essays like these are not written entirelyin the first person, but the pronoun “I” is used where it seems natural to do so. Discuss the idea as thoroughly as you can. During this process, it will be important to be self-critical: to question your own assumptionsand to try and include other perspectives. For research, you will want to consider how the concept you have chosen has been interpretedand understood by its supporters and detractors. You could think, too, about how the theory you have selected has been used and/ormisused in visual studies. Argue with yourself over this and assess whether its potential has been realized or not. All of your research for this piece does not have to be the conventional kind (e.g. library, Internet). Looking, thinking, experimenting,talking—any means of interacting with the representation, the article, and your own writing—also qualifies. However, you need to keep inmind that the object of the paper is to explore the relationship between the theoretical model you have decided to investigate and thevisual representation of your choice.
nalysis of its market, and inspects the calculated and observational proof for the build of market review. It gives a relative examination of the builds of promoting review with showcasing fit and market direction. The review was additionally developed to outline the relationship of those builds with the authoritative business execution of bigger Indian firms.
The developing intricacy complexity of the ongoing industry climate requires a more proficient assessment and evaluation strategy of the legitimate status to deal with the component market. The ongoing information collecting and changing frameworks, generally, neglect to offer an intensive and composed structure that intertwines the entire displaying limit and furthermore giving key recommendations to movement. The advancing survey, depicted as an exact, complete, objective, and free methodology, can uphold the chief to understand the working of the singular pieces of the affiliation and their obligation to the total structure expected for the achievement of the progressive objectives. An observational investigation of the promoting review can give some knowledge into the board’s view of the advantages of the showcasing review as well as the ongoing procedural parts of the advertising review, which feature the strength and shortcomings of organizations, in this manner influencing the outcomes.
The underlying capacity of an association to look for deliberately ecological knowledge, and to utilize the understanding acquired structure it, to divert its inside cycles to answer really to showcase elements, might possibly work with the drawn out arrangement of better worth than the client and the accomplishment of a feasible upper hand on the lookout.
This proposal recommend the use of an explicitly arranged and carried out promoting review, planned