visual culture analysis


Chose a start time and note all the media you consume within a 24 hour period. Select an average day for you. Use the hour by hour chart attached below to record all the media you come in contact with (billboards, graffiti, social media, television, online streaming, magazines, etc.).

At the end of 24 hours, review your chart and think about the following:

Which one form of media did you use the most? How much time did you use it?
Which one form of media did you use the least (but still use)? How much time did you use it?
How much time was spent communicating with another person over media (phone, messaging, e- mail, etc.)?
How much time was spent using media that was monologic (one-sided, such as TV or radio, streaming media)?
What surprised you about the amount of time you spent engaged in the use of media? Why?
Based on this exercise, will you do anything dierently (increase or decrease) in using media? Why? or Why not?
What are the primary messages in the media you consume? Is there a pattern?
What are the unexpected or subconscious messages in the media you consume? For example, how often do you find yourself purchasing something that came up as you were scrolling? Or deciding to do something because you saw an ad or a post of someone else doing it?

Sample Solution

Media Consumption Log

Date: October 6, 2024

Hour Media Consumed Duration (Minutes)
6-7 AM Radio 60
7-8 AM TV (News) 60
8-9 AM Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) 30
9-10 AM Online News 30
10-11 AM Work Email 60
11-12 PM Social Media (WhatsApp) 30
12-1 PM TV (Lunch break) 60
1-2 PM Work Email 60
2-3 PM Radio 60
3-4 PM Social Media (Twitter) 30
4-5 PM Online Articles 60
5-6 PM TV (Entertainment) 120
6-7 PM Social Media (Instagram) 30
7-8 PM Phone Calls (Friends and Family) 60
8-9 PM Online Gaming 60
9-10 PM Social Media (Facebook) 30
10-11 PM Book (Audiobook) 60
11-12 AM Sleep 0

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  • Most used media: Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) – approximately 270 minutes (4.5 hours)
  • Least used media: Book (Audiobook) – 60 minutes (1 hour)
  • Time spent communicating: 150 minutes (2.5 hours)
  • Time spent on monologic media: 420 minutes (7 hours)

Surprises: I was surprised by the amount of time I spent on social media, even though I had intended to limit my usage.

Changes: Based on this exercise, I will try to reduce my social media consumption and allocate more time to activities that promote well-being, such as reading and spending time in nature.

Primary Messages: The media I consume often focuses on news, entertainment, and social connections. There is a strong emphasis on consumerism, and I frequently encounter advertisements for products and services.

Unexpected Messages: I was surprised by the frequency with which I found myself comparing my life to others on social media. This can be a negative influence and can contribute to feelings of inadequacy or dissatisfaction.

I will also be more mindful of the messages I am exposed to and try to consume media that is informative, inspiring, and uplifting.


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