Create a powerpoint chart that shows the current percentage of hourly wage growth in private sector employment over the last few months. Show it in relation to the
generally accepted 3% year over year healthy economy growth expectation. Use a chart design of your choice with appropriate labels and summary on the powerpoint slide.
Use appropriate colors, titles, etc.
Following the rules you learned in the book, ensure that the chart is…
1) self explanatory. Has a title has labeled elements
2) Is appropriately representative. For this kind of data set do you want a circle graph, a bar chart, or a line chart?
3) makes use of simple, but interesting graphics (color)
4) correct. Make sure the data you find is accurately represented. Are you showing the year on year growth each month? or are you showing some other number like the
average wage? be careful what you are actually presenting.
I. Presentation – BIGGLES
From about the 1930’s to the late 1960’s Captain W.E. Johns’ Biggles stories, stories of warrior airplane and dogfights, were extremely well known among youthful teenagers in the UK. Regardless of their vehement Britocentric Imperial direction the accounts in interpretation additionally did very well outside the UK: I recall, matured 11, hearing a radio declaration of Johns’ demise including the remark: “It is said that even the Germans preferred them, in spite of the fact that Biggles was continually killing German planes.”1 Certain of the tales, nonetheless, make issues for target crowds outside the Britocentric Imperium and its social circle.
One nation where Biggles clearly keeps on being very well known is the Czech Republic,2 when the split; almost all the hundred-odd books have been converted into Czech (see Indeed, defining moments throughout the entire existence of Czechoslovakia from the late 30’s until the breakdown of the Warsaw Pact might be coordinated to the accessibility, or scarcity in that department, of Biggles interpretations. Thirteen were interpreted during the period 1937-1940 (e.g., Biggles of the Camel Squadron (1937); Biggles in Africa (1938); Biggles in Spain (1939), and Biggles Goes to War (1940))3. The period 1946-1948 saw a further four: Biggles Flies East (1946), Biggles Learns to Fly, Biggles in Borneo (1947), and Biggles Defies the Swastika (1948). The happening to Socialist Czechoslovakia saw them become inaccessible once more, in spite of the fact that they returned quickly in 1968.
Ruritania was first imagined in writing and culture by Anthony Hope in The Prisoner of Zenda. He portrayed it as a German-speaking, Roman Catholic nation, under an outright government, with profound social, yet not ethnic, divisions, as reflected in the contentions delineated in the narratives. Notwithstanding, a portion of Ruritania’s placenames (e.g., Strelsau, Hentzau), propose that a portion of the externally German names have a Slavic substratum, like, e.g., Leipzig, Dresden, Breslau, Posen, Gdingen, and so forth., similarly as with a portion of the individual names, e.g., Marshal Strakencz, Bersonin, Count Stanislas, Luzau-Rischenheim, Strofzin, Boris the Hound, Anton, and so on.
Topographically, Ruritania is generally situated between domains that would have been called Saxony and Bohemia in Hope’s time. It has become a conventional term, both concrete and theoretical, for a nonexistent pre WW1 European realm utilized as the setting for sentiment, interest and the plots of experience books. Its name has been given to an entire type of composing, the Ruritanian sentiment, and it has spread outside writing to a wide range of other areas.4
This paper will examine Petruželková’s (P) (1994 (1940))5 Czech form of the short-novel-length Biggles Goes To War (BGW; Biggles Letí na Jih (BLJ) in Czech), set in Maltovia, portrayed in plot as a little Ruritanian-type 6 nation with a German-type upper-