Web programming


reate a program that changes an input from user to output into a chart.
Input- 18 digit account number ending in 0’s
Output- 13 digit account number ending with 0001.
Please create chart with Column A- Original Acct # and Column B- New Acct #. This is the math I think would be used: an2 = (an1 -1,000,000) + 1
Attached is the message I would like printed at the beginning of the program.

Sample Solution

inker is a cognitive psychologist. Therefore, it is only fair to say he believes in cognitive science and that cognitive science is proving to be very successful in all fields. Pinker view is that cognitive science can thoroughly understand acesss-conciousness. Basically, he thinks of it as a system; one that can successfully process information while limiting the access of information given for each specific task. Each task will perform its own job and carry out its duties, while serving as a helping hand to other tasks. This means a little bit of information will be shared with others in order to run efficiently. But, the information that is being shared must be relevant to the task at hand. Nonetheless, when intelligence comes to the table, all parts and tasks of the brain need to be grouped as a whole. This whole will serve as one huge taskforce in order to create a game plan and establish the action that will be taken. These tasks that consist of tiny breadcrumbs of information, which is relevant and that will serve as this force make up what is called our individual conscious life. Pinker establishes four functions that make up this operating system which are restriction of sensory information, the spotlight of attention, emotions, and the will. All the information is processed through these senses. For example, we hear words, but not phonemes when people are talking. Additionally, the system is capable of directing attention from one thing to the next in regards to our senses. Furthermore, emotions serve as a huge role in when creating a game plan or strategy. Our emotions stir the direction in which our attention flows. For example, you are in an car crash and you hear your baby sister cry for help. The cry for help from a loved one is the focus of one’s attention. And lastly, our will is what displays our manpower to go through with the action. It is what unleashes the handcuffs before we act.

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