Western Civilization


After learning about cultural, educational, and architectural advancements of the High Middle Ages (Chapter 9 lecture), answer the following question. Follow the directions carefully in order to receive full credit.

Chapter 9 Lecture Question

As mentioned above, in this week’s lecture, you learned about the cultural, educational, and architectural advancements of the High Middle Ages. Which part of this week’s lecture and/or assigned reading interested you most and why?

Directions for Answering the Question:

Using information from the lecture,
Identify what part of the lecture/reading interested you most.
Fully describe it to me using specific information and examples from the lecture.
If you discuss castles, make sure to describe the architectural parts of a castle and who lived there
If you discuss knights, make sure to describe what they needed to be a knight and what sort of fun activities they participated in
If you discuss the growing power of kings, give me some examples of how kings gained or lost power during this time period
If you discuss universities, make sure to describe the two different models, their curriculum, and degrees
Fully explain why that part interested you (Do not skip this part! Tell me why the topic personally interested you. Try to write at least 2-3 sentences to explain this).
Important Rules for all Lecture Questions:

Only use information from the lecture to answer the question. These questions are intended to check that you watched and understood the lecture. If you use information from an outside source/s, your assignment will receive a zero.
Fully explain your statements and include specific examples from the lecture.
Explain all information in your own words

Sample Solution

Close by pressure safeguarding, it is vital that joint security is kept up with or improved with an all out hip substitution. The embed stem would should be adjusted so it matches the particular bone math of the expected patient (Yang et al, 2014). The bone calculation incorporates the length of the femur, the size of the normal femoral head, the point of the hip joint and the femoral offset of the hip. A custom embed can give a customized proximal average bend in the hip embed, which will consequently decrease the pressure as it fits the bone appropriately. While utilizing a standard embed, the calculation of the femur and hip joint isn’t considered thus the stem may not be the right fit or of the right plot for the patient.

This is an issue as an evil fitting insert can cause a divergence in the length of the legs, which can cause torments in the back from the patient attempting to self-redress, as well as torment in the hips, from an excess of power being radiated. The neck of the femoral stem ought to be situated so that anteversion (foremost revolution) and retroversion (proximal turn) don’t happen unreasonably as retroversion specifically can cause disengagement (Raaymakers et al, 2014). One of the principal objectives of the medical procedure is to lessen torment and work on the personal satisfaction of the patient, subsequently it is vital that contemplations in regards to joint dependability are made during the plan of the embed.

5. Femoral Offset
It is essential to consider the femoral offset of the hip, which is the ‘distance from the focal point of pivot of the femoral head to a line bisecting the long hub of the femur’ (Lecerf et al, 2009). The femoral offset not entirely settled preceding a medical procedure occurring and for the patient to not go through impingement at the hip joint, the femoral offset should be expanded. This is since, supposing that the femoral offset is diminished, then in addition to the fact that there is a gamble of impingement happening there would be an expansion in the wear of the joint because of the way that more power would be expected to move the leg thus the joint would have an expansion in response powers on it (The Bone School, n.d.). On the off chance that the femoral offset isn’t reestablished then the abductor muscle can become feeble and this can prompt limping, which thus could cause back and further hip torment (Mirza, 2010). The femoral offset can be picked when a custom embed is made yet can’t be changed when a standard embed is utilized.

6. Femoral Head

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