“What is the Third Estate” by Sieyes


Read “What is the Third Estate” by Sieyes and answer the following question in 1-2 paragraphs. You can click “Write Submission” and enter your response in the dialog box or upload it as a text document (make sure it it is Microsoft Word compatible – no “Pages” or “google docs” please.
How does Sieyes describe the Second and Third Estates — what is the difference between them?

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“What is the Third Estate” by Sieyès

“What is the Third Estate?” is a political pamphlet written in January 1789, shortly before the outbreak of the French Revolution, by the French writer and clergyman Abbe Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès [1748-1836]. “What is the Third Estate?” became probably the most influential text of the early French Revolution. It crystalized the grievances of ordinary people in a rational and logical manner. It reminded the common French people they had been exploited and mistreated, both by an unrepresentative government and by a parasitic nobility that refused to pay its own. Throughout the pamphlet, Sieyès argues that the first and second estates are simply unnecessary, and that the Third Estate is in truth France`s only legitimate estate, representing as it does the entire population. Thus, he asserts, it should replace the other two estates entirely.

er 2nd, 2018, the first lab session that the unknowns were handled, a Gram stain was performed on the mixed culture to observe morphology. Under the microscope, both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria were present. The Gram positive organisms were coccus-shaped in grape-like clusters. The Gram negative organisms were rod-shaped.

One October 9th, 2018, the bacterial growth on the four plates were observed. The TSA plates at room temperature and at 37 degrees Celsius both had decent amounts of bacterial growth on them. On the room temperature TSA plate, one type of bacterial colony was about 3 millimeters in diameter, round-shaped, yellow, fuzzy, and flat. The other colony on the room temperature TSA plate was about 1.5 millimeters in diameter, circular, and off-white, with slight elevation and a defined edge. On the 37 degrees Celsius TSA plate, one colony was round and yellow, with cloudy edges and smooth elevation. The other colony was round and off-white, with defined edges and smooth elevation. The MSA plate was growth positive, and it appeared to only have one type of bacteria on it. The plate turned yellow in the areas where the bacteria grew, and the colonies were off-white, circular, and smooth, with slight elevation and defined edges. EMB plates select for Gram negative bacteria, and the bacterial colonies that grew on the plate were dark pink dots surrounded by fuzz with no green metallic sheen. During this lab session, the two bacteria were isolated through isolation streaks on two separate TSA plates that were then incubated at 37 degrees Celsius.

On October 23rd, 2018, the isolated Gram

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