What leadership is and why it is important

Demonstrate an understanding of what leadership is and why it is important to Recognise, understand and appreciate the different leadership theories and approaches Describe the strengths and w.kn.ses of these different theories and approaches Understand why context” is an important component for shaping and understanding different approaches to leadership.Apply a range of tools and techniques in support of addressing different leadership scenarios

Thus there is huge contrast between the Return on Equity of HDFC, ICICI, AXIS, YES and Kotak Mahindra banks.

Net overall revenue (NPM): Net Profit Margin is equivalent to total compensation or benefits partitioned by all out income, and speak to how a lot of benefit every dollar of offers produces. Net overall revenue communicates the proportion of net benefits to incomes for an organization. The net overall revenue represents the amount of every dollar gathered by an organization as income is changed over into benefit.

NPM = Net Income/Revenue

Table 3 – Net Profit Margin ( NPM in % )


2014 20.61 22.30 19.20 16.1 20.6

2015 21.07 22.30 20.50 17.3 22.9

2016 20.41 17.20 20.80 18.7 17

2017 20.99 16.70 20.20 20.3 22.1

2018 21.79 12.40 8.8 20.8 24.7

Normal 20.97 18.18 17.9 18.64 21.46

SOURCE: http://equitymaster.com

Translation: From Table 3, it very well may be seen that Kotak Mahindra has the most noteworthy NPM of 21.46, which suggests that for each INR 100 the bank has earned INR 21.49. The HDFC bank follows the

Kotak Mahindra with NPM of 20.97. The NPM of Kotak Mahindra has expanded enormously when contrasted with other chose banks.

Table 4 – One Way ANOVA for NPM


Wellspring of Variation SS df MS F P-esteem F crit

Between Groups 55.1617 4 13.79042 1.22105 0.333243 2.866081

Inside Groups 225.878 20 11.2939

Complete 281.04 24

Aftereffect of Hypothesis testing:

From the table 4, as the determined worth 1.22105 is lower than the basic worth 2.866081 at 5% level of hugeness, the invalid speculation is acknowledged. Subsequently, there is no noteworthy contrast between the Net Profit Margin of HDFC, ICICI, AXIS, YES and Kotak Mahindra banks.

Profit for resources (ROA): Return on resources shows how beneficial an organization is comparative with its absolute resources. ROA gives any financial specialist a manual for assess how productive an organization’s administration is utilizing its advantages for create income. Profit for resources is shown as a rate

ROA = Net Income/Total Assets

Table 5 – Return on Assets ( ROA in %)


2014 1.72 1.5 2

2015 1.73 1.5 1.6 1.5 2

2016 1.73 1.1 1.6 1.5 1.4

2017 1.68 1 1.5 1.4 1.8

2018 1.64 0.7 0.6 1.4 1.8

Normal 1.35 1.16 1.36 1.46 1.8

SOURCE: http://equitymaster.com

Understanding: From the table 5, we can decipher that Kotak Mahindra bank has the best yield on resources esteem with 1.8% , followed by Yes manage an account with 1.46%. The most steady bank regarding ROA is Kotak Mahindra bank.

Table 6 – One Way ANOVA for ROA


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