What species are in the ecosystem?



What factors affect distribution. How has the biogeography of your Place changed
through time? For ecosystems: describe the existence of and interactions between you Place’s plants and
animals. How does the physical environment affect what species are in this ecosystem? What other factors
affect the ecosystems that are in your Place? How have the ecosystems changed through time? Also include images that corresponds to the above sections.


Sample Solution

What species are in the ecosystem?

Biogeography is the study of the geographic distribution of living things and the abiotic factors that affect their distribution. Abiotic factors can include temperature, moisture, nutrients, oxygen, and energy availability, as well as disturbances from events such as wind and fire. Inorganic nutrients, soil structure, and aquatic oxygen availability are further abiotic factors that affect species distribution in an ecosystem. The same is true for terrestrial factors, such as wind and fire, which can impact the types of species that inhabit regions exposed to these types of disturbances. As these abiotic factors change, the composition of plant and animal communities also changes.

regarding waste management using interval scales with “Strongly Disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neither”, “Agree” and “Strongly Agree” as answer possibilities. This section aims to assess data on the perceived social pressure to engage in waste management. There will be 20 questions asked in this section (see Appendix 1.2) (Ayu et al., 2018).

The third and final section of the questionnaire consists of 20 questions regarding the perceived behavioural control of the participants regarding waste management also using intervals scales with “Strongly Disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neither”, “Agree” and “Strongly Agree” as answer possibilities. This section aims to assess data on the perceived ability to engage in waste management. There will be 20 questions asked in this section (see Appendix 1.3) (Ayu et al., 2018).

In order to analyse the relationship between the independent variable (the Netherlands) and the dependent variable (waste management), methods of Person’s correlation will be used. The collected data from the surveys will be captured and arranged on 5-point rating scale spreadsheets to enable further data and statistical analysis by grouping similar answers. The data will provide quantifiable results that will be visualized in form of a table. There will be a table given for each section (Table 1.1-1.3, see Appendix), split into a column for the questions and for each answer possibility. The percentage of participants who will respond a particular answer will be given in each column.

Strengths and Limitations

The findings of the study will be generalized for the population of the Netherlands. The data will be collected from randomly selected households living in four different regions of the country, it can therefore be replicated to other countries, subject areas or time periods. As it will be a quantitative research, the data conducted can easily be analysed, evaluated and presented in form of a table and provides clear information about the topic required.

However, as the survey will be conducted online and without any surveillance, there is no security that the answers given by the participants will be reliable. The answers might be either flawed or incomplete which would imply that during data cleaning there might be empty answer fields. Furthermore, it is not possible to obtain in-depth information through the survey as the questions and answers will be designed in a precise and compact way.

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