Based on the scientific evidence, decide whether the herbal/dietary supplement is effective and safe for the intended use.
The report should cover the following topics:
1. Herbal/Dietary Supplement Regulations: Discuss the regulations that allow all herbals/dietary supplements to be marketed in Canada (~1 pg)
2. Herbal/Dietary Supplement Information: State the claims for the assigned herbal/dietary supplement (i.e. what is the herbal/dietary supplement intended to treat?). Describe the source, purported active ingredient(s), and proposed mechanism of action (if known) of the herbal/dietary supplement (~0.5 pg)
3. Efficacy research: Discuss the results/conclusions and merits/limitations of three papers that address the efficacy of the assigned herbal/dietary supplement (~1.25 pg)
4. Safety research: Discuss the results/conclusions and merits/limitations of three papers that address the safety of the assigned herbal/dietary supplement (~1.25 pg)
5. Conclusion: Based on the research presented in the paper, explain if you would advocate for or against the use of the assigned herbal/dietary supplement. In your opinion, are the regulations for the assigned herbal/dietary supplement adequate? (~1 pg)
The format of this assessment is as follows:
• The report should be a maximum of 5 pages (references not included in page max)
• 1.5 spacing, 12pt font
• If an article discusses both safety and efficacy, it is fine to use the article for both the safety and efficacy sections of the report
• The research papers can be obtained from the group research discussion forum, or through individual research
• Students may use any search engine they wish to obtain scholary articles for their subject. Tutorials on using the databases provided by Queen’s library and Google scholar are provided:
Learning outcomes:
CLO1: Engage in discussions about the pharmacological principles of drug use and abuse to advocate for healthy and appropriate drug use.
CLO2: Describe the mechanism of action and physiological effects of classes of drugs to be able to summarize the reason(s) for their use and abuse in society.
CLO5: Effectively discuss and apply relevant pharmacological principles within a group to successfully complete collaborative assignments.
Communicator: Students must answer all questions above, relating it to material studied from previous modules, respective articles or external literature. Students must also accomplish this in a concise and informative manner, using terminology learned in class.
Professional: Students must present the information researched in a professional and organized manner for an informed audience.
Collaborator: Students must analyze research papers relevant to their topic in groups to inform their final product.
Advocate: Students must weigh the efficacy and safety of the assigned herbal/dietary supplement to determine whether use is recommended.
Pretty little thing is an online clothing website that is known for its affordable and fashionable clothing. The site is known for its fast fashion and trend capturing clothes, they are always seen to be the first to recreate a celebrity look but for a suitable price for its audience. The brand is also recognised as one which works closely with fashion bloggers and social media influencers. This is where the brand is different to Burberry as although they do have celebrity appearances they focus more on the realistic and more relatable bloggers and influencers. Over the past couple of years, I would say that brands and fashion houses have realized the impact and importance of social media when advertising their brand and products. Therefore, brands utilise the connections they have with reality stars, bloggers and social influencers and use it to their advantage by using them to promote the products and almost make them the fact of their brand. “The importance of fashion branding on social media is becoming even more pronounced as networks like Instagram are revolutionising this field.” (Carter-Marley, 2015.) In terms of the market this strategy this will increase sales to the brands target audience, social media helps this happen because they can approach the right people. An example of this happening recently is after the ITV program ‘Love Island’ where everyone who was on the program came out with a huge following and were not long after, seen to be promoting all sorts of brands all over their Instagram. The importance of building relationships with a ta