Why criminal laws have to change to keep up with the changes in technology


Why do criminal laws have to change to keep up with the changes in technology? What modifications in current laws defining criminal activity might soon be necessary to meet the criminal possibilities inherent in new technologies?

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Why criminal laws have to change to keep up with the changes in technology

Technology develops much more quickly than the domestic and international laws that apply to its use across borders. Some countries argue for greater control over citizens` data, with localization requirements for storing data inside national borders. Rather than shape technology to conform to international law based on national sovereignty, countries can find new ways of enforcing existing laws. For example, cooperation on investigations of cross-border data flows would allow law enforcement to respond to threats more quickly. As new technologies like the internet of things (IoT) continue to evolve, the ability of international law to combat their negative uses becomes increasingly important to protecting critical infrastructure like power plants and dams.

e topic of a female’s job in a general public is investigated in numerous ways in Othello. Through the eyes of Emilia, we see imbalances in marriage and ladies’ own impression of men. Emilia offers an interpretation of marriage and relations of sexual orientations that would have been genuinely in front of Shakespeare’s times in Act IV, Scene 3. In this scene, Emilia and Desdemona are talking in Desdemona’s room after she was requested by Othello to quickly go to her chambers. Like a respectful kid hanging tight for discipline, Desdemona gets in line. After she gullibly communicates her skepticism over a chance of a lady betraying her better half, Emilia offers her an alternate perspective and bands her speech with hints that Desdemona ought not simply docilely take all the abuse that Othello doles out at her.

Emilia contends that ladies are equivalent to men and that they have similar purposes behind being faithless. Very much like men, ladies have shortcomings, wants, improper kind gestures that lead them to this despicable demonstration of disloyalty. Her words not the slightest bit advocate for disloyalty, yet rather advocate for bringing issues to light that ladies are the same than men with regards to committing errors driven by the craving for “sport,” the straightforward sexual longing for pleasure. This discourse makes the differentiation among Emilia and Desdemona’s way to deal with marriage exceptionally clear. Contrasted with Desdemona who is a heartfelt that has an ideal, monumentalized form of affection and marriage that she places regardless of anything else, Emilia perceives that there is a twofold norm around orientation and constancy and she is searching for a sensible center ground. Emilia proposes that the “evil” a lady does is a reaction to being violated by a man.

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