“Why is college so expensive?”




“Why is college so expensive?”, “The downfall of oil”, “The economics of getting your nails
done”, “Blue ray over DVD discs”, “Generic over brand name shampoos”
• The paper must be in MLA Format
• You must include at least 2 charts found in the FRED (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/) database
to substantiate your economic argument.
• You must include at least five sources in a works cited page
• Include your graphs (not links to your graphs) in your paper
• Highlight each textbook vocabulary word you use on your paper
• FRED does not count as one of your five required sources

Sample Solution

“Why is college so expensive?”

College tuition and student-loan debt are higher than ever. According to CNBC, college tuition was far more affordable for older generations. Citing figures from College Board, CNBC reported that, adjusting for inflation, the cost of private schools rose by 129% since the 1980s. The cost of public school rose by an even more staggering 213%. There are a lot of reasons why college is so expensive including growing demand, rising financial aid, lower state funding, the exploding cost of administrators, and bloated student amenities packages. Higher enrollment has brought an expansion of financial-aid programs, a need to increase budgets for faculty pay and on-campus student services, and a decline in financial support from state governments.

methods. She found “a lack of correlation between students’ self-assessments and teacher ratings” (p.329). Préfontaine also states that one of the limitations of her study is the lack of qualitative data. Additionally, Ross (1998), in a meta-analysis of studies investigating self-assessment in L2 learning, asserts that one of the main limitations to self-assessment studies is the lack of qualitative-oriented studies. This study will contribute to investigating validity and reliability of self-evaluations, in an effort to alleviate these inconclusive results due to lack of theory and methodological dead ends. Self-evaluations, in this study, targeted two specific features of French pronunciation: segmental /y/ vs /u/ and segmental/suprasegmental “silent e” (or schwa). These two features have been chosen as variables because they are critical to learners’ intelligibility and comprehensibility. Munro & Derwing’s (1995) Intelligibility/ Comprehensibility principle asserts that intelligibility is the extent to which a given utterance is understood by the learner, while comprehensibility is the learners’ perception of how well they understand an utterance. Methods Participants and sampling The study took place at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. L2 students in a French phonetics course were recruited to participate in the project via an in-class introduction and follow-up emails. The tasks were integrated into the structure of the French phonetics course, and all students in the course were expected to complete these tasks. The instructor of the course was not a member of the research team. The Fall 2016 French phonetics course had two sections, one section was the contro

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