Why it is important for the project manager to control scope creep


Write a short paper describing why it is important for the project manager to control scope creep. Explain how the project manager controls changes to the approved project plan. Include a minimum of four change control guidelines that can be integrated into the project management plan.


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Why is it important for the project manager to control scope creep?

Scope creep is the tendency for projects to grow in size and complexity over time. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Unclear or poorly defined project requirements: If the project requirements are not clearly defined, it can be easy for scope creep to occur. This is because stakeholders may request additional features or functionality that was not originally included in the project plan.
  • Changes in the project environment: The project environment can change over time, which can lead to scope creep. For example, if the project team discovers that the technology they are using is not compatible with the project requirements, they may need to add additional features or functionality to the project plan.
  • Poor communication: If there is poor communication between the project manager and the stakeholders, scope creep can occur. This is because the stakeholders may not be aware of the project’s constraints and may request changes that are not feasible.

Scope creep can have a number of negative consequences, such as:

  • Increased costs: Scope creep can lead to increased costs, as the project team may need to spend more time and money to implement the additional features or functionality.
  • Delayed project delivery: Scope creep can lead to delayed project delivery, as the project team may need more time to complete the project.
  • Reduced quality: Scope creep can lead to reduced quality, as the project team may not have enough time or resources to implement the additional features or functionality properly.
  • Dissatisfied stakeholders: Scope creep can lead to dissatisfied stakeholders, as they may not receive the product or service they were expecting.

How does the project manager control changes to the approved project plan?

The project manager can control changes to the approved project plan by implementing a change control process. A change control process is a formal process for managing changes to the project plan. It typically includes the following steps:

  1. Identify the change: The first step is to identify the change. This involves understanding the nature of the change and how it will impact the project.
  2. Evaluate the change: The next step is to evaluate the change. This involves assessing the impact of the change on the project’s budget, schedule, and scope.
  3. Approve or reject the change: The project manager then needs to approve or reject the change. If the change is approved, it will need to be incorporated into the project plan.
  4. Implement the change: Once the change is approved, it needs to be implemented. This involves making the necessary changes to the project plan, the project schedule, and the project budget.

Change control guidelines

The following are four change control guidelines that can be integrated into the project management plan:

  1. All changes must be approved by the project manager. This ensures that all changes are carefully considered and that they are in the best interests of the project.
  2. Changes must be documented. This ensures that there is a record of all changes that have been made to the project plan.
  3. Changes must be tracked. This ensures that the impact of changes on the project is monitored and that any necessary adjustments are made.
  4. Changes must be communicated to all stakeholders. This ensures that everyone involved in the project is aware of the changes and that they can adjust their expectations accordingly.

By following these guidelines, the project manager can help to control scope creep and ensure that the project stays on track.

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