“Windows, Mirrors and Sliding Glass Doors” by. Rudine Smith Bishop


Choose one of the articles from WEEK ONE READINGS, and respond to that article in your first essay: You may choose from the following readings

“Windows, Mirrors and Sliding Glass Doors” by. Rudine Smith Bishop
“The American Dream” by. Anthony Brandt
“Marginalization: The Pendulum Swings Both Ways” by. Dr. Nathaniel Granger
Your essay should answer the following questions:

What is the article about?
Why is it important?
Who and what does the subject matter of the article effect?
Why does content like this matter in our current world?
How can we see these concepts also play out in literature, or maybe share a personal experience you may have had with the article you chose?

Sample Solution

Windows and Mirrors and Sliding Glass Doors: Ensuring Students See Themselves and Others in Literature. In 1990, Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop published an essay about the importance of providing young readers with diverse books that reflect the “multicultural nature of the world” in which we live. In the essay, Dr. Bishop coined the phrase “Windows, Mirrors and Sliding Glass Doors” to explain how children see themselves in books and how they can also learn about the lives of others through literature. Dr. Bishop makes the point that it is crucial for children from marginalized groups to view themselves in the books they read.

bbons 1990;268- 1-13 Spring 1992 ; 267 14839-45 Tiwari S, Siddiqi SA. 2012 May;32(5):1079-86]. The needed VLDL TGs are obtained by the liver either from de novo synthesized fatty acids (FA), a sterol family member derived via the MVA pathway [REF Cornforth 2002 24], extracted from the circulation as nonesterified FAs, or recycled from lipoprotein remnants cleared by hepatic receptors [REF Gibbons 2003 25]. Since hepatic VLDL metabolism is dependent on the availability of TG’s, the de novo synthesized APOB100 undergo degradation when they are not lipidated [REF]. Once the VLDL particles enter the circulation, an interaction with LPL in the endothelial cells reduces the TG content similar to CM degradation. The remaining VLDL remnant is deprived from TGs, intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL), and is either removed from the circulation through hepatic clearance via the LDLr or converted by LPL and hepatic lipase (HL) into low-density lipoproteins (LDL). The LDL particle maintains the APOB100 molecule and is subjected to LDLr mediated internalization and degradation of the particle.

Subsequently, LDL derived FC is either reused for endogenous lipoprotein metabolism or excreted via the bile.

3.3.3 HDL

HDL biogenesis is a complex interaction of membrane bound and circulating plasma proteins and can be diverted into five major processes [REF Zannis 2004]. (1) Production and secretion of APOA1 by either the liver of intestine [REF Zannis 1985]. Whereas intestinal APOA1 enters the circulation via CM’s and is rapidly transferred towards HDL during hydrolysis [REF]. Hepatic derived APOA1 is the origin of nascent pre-β HDL particles Consequently targeted APOA deficiency in mice result in 83% lowering of the HDL fraction and subsequent phenotypes [REF reviewed by Hoekstra and van Eck 26] (2) Via an ABCA1 dependant pathway, hepatic APOA1 incorporates cellular phospholipids leading to the formation of lipid poor pre-βHD

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