Wisconsin’s FDA investigators

The annotated bibliography for your 4 selected human resource topics must consist of at least 10
reputable, practitioner sources (ex. SHRM) or scholarly journals. Government websites (FLSA,
EEO, etc.) can also count towards your sources (note some government websites will not be a
match – such as the dress code for the Wisconsin’s FDA investigators. The .gov isn’t
automatically an applicable source. Be in current APA format, and contain persistent links so
others may have instant access. Include a proper title page. It is recommended that you review
the HRPP paper instructions within the class (which explains the HRPP in more detail and has
policy suggestions) and the writing center’s annotated bibliography example (linked below).

It is highly recommended that you use Liberty University’s Jerry Falwell Library online
resources. A librarian is available to assist you in all matters pertaining to conducting your
research, including what constitutes a scholarly article (reputable, professional and/or scholarly
journals, and/or informational venues that deal with the content of the course).

The Jerry Falwell Library librarian has asked that the following be shared:
Articles in Business Source Premier have a “Permalink” you can use to post in your
assignment. The permalink, in most cases, will allow anyone to access your article.
Articles in Business Source Complete have a “Permalink” you can use in your
assignment. The Permalink should allow anyone to access your article. To get the
Permalink, look the article up in Business Source Complete and click the article title.
Then click the “Permalink” link that appears in the right column.

The annotations are designed to help your classmates better understand and more easily learn
about your topic. The annotation is not a normal required component of APA; rather, it is a
specific additional requirement for this assignment. Note the following regarding your annotated
 An annotated bibliography is a list of the journals and resources you used.
 Each citation is followed by a brief paragraph (at least 150 words) that is descriptive and
evaluative—the annotation.
 The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and
quality of the sources cited.


Sample Solution

tion, Vittola expresses the extent of military tactics used, but never reaches a conclusion whether it’s lawful or not to proceed these actions, as he constantly found a middle ground, where it can be lawful to do such things but never always (Begby et al (2006b), Page 326-31). This is supported by Frowe, who measures the legitimate tactics according to proportionality and military necessity. It depends on the magnitude of how much damage done to one another, in order to judge the actions after a war. For example, one cannot simply nuke the terrorist groups throughout the middle-east, because it is not only proportional, it will damage the whole population, an unintended consequence. More importantly, the soldiers must have the right intention in what they are going to achieve, sacrificing the costs to their actions. For example: if soldiers want to execute all prisoners of war, they must do it for the right intention and for a just cause, proportional to the harm done to them. This is supported by Vittola: ‘not always lawful to execute all combatants…we must take account… scale of the injury inflicted by the enemy.’ This is further supported by Frowe approach, which is a lot more moral than Vittola’s view but implies the same agendas: ‘can’t be punished simply for fighting.’ This means one cannot simply punish another because they have been a combatant. They must be treated as humanely as possible. However, the situation is escalated if killing them can lead to peace and security, within the interests of all parties.
Overall, jus in bello suggests in wars, harm can only be used against combatants, never against the innocent. But in the end, the aim is to establish peace and security within the commonwealth. As Vittola’s conclusion: ‘the pursuit of justice for which he fights and the defence of his homeland’ is what nations should be fighting for in wars (Begby et al (2006b), Page 332). Thus, although today’s world has developed, we can see not much different from the modernist accounts on warfare and the traditionists, giving another section of the theory of the just war. Nevertheless, we can still conclude that there cannot be one definitive theory of the just war theory because of its normativity.

Jus post bellum

Finally, jus post bellum suggests that the actions we should take after a war (Frowe (2010), Page 208).
Firstly, Vittola argues after a war, it is the responsibility of the leader to judge what to do with the enemy (Begby et al (2006b), Page 332).. Again, proportionality is emphasised. For example, the Versailles treaty imposed after the First World War is questionably too harsh, as it was not all Germany’s fault for the war. This is supported by Frowe, who expresses two views in jus post bellum: Minimalism and Maximalism, which are very differing views. Minimalists suggest a more lenient approach while maximalist, supporting the above example, provides a harsher approach, punishing the enemy both economically and politically (Frowe (2010), Page 208). At the last instance, however, the aim of war is to establish peace security, so whatever needs to be done can be morally justified, if it follows the rules of jus ad bellum.
In conclusion, just war theory is very contestable and can argue in different ways. However, the establishment of a just peace is crucial, making all war type situation to have different ways of approaching (Frowe (2010), Page 227). Nevertheless, the just war theory comprises of jus ad bellum, jus in bello and jus post bellum, and it can be either morally controversial or justifiable depending on the proportionality of the circumstance. Therefore, there cannot be one definitive theory of the just war but only a theoretical guide to show h

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