What does it mean to “read queerly”? If all performances of reading are interpretations, then what can be
gained by reading texts in queer ways? Is there a queer way to read and, if so, then what can queer reading
accomplish for the reader? What are the implications for reading queerly?
Inclusive approach is an approach whereby everyone is regarded as a talented employee, this simply means that all employees have the right combinations of inborn abilities which are complemented by the knowledge, skills, experience and competencies that is required to give the sterling performance in a specific situation.
Exclusive approach is an approach whereby a talented employee represents an extra ordinary efficient employee with a high potential who can make a significant contribution to the organization.
Erongo RED is using both approaches inclusive and exclusive approaches of talent management. In terms of exclusive the company is making use performance management system as a practice whereby only employees from job grading C1 and above are introduced to performance management program which is aimed at assessing and evaluating employee’s performance in order to meet their targets. While on the other hand the company also applies inclusivity whereby it accords all its employees irregardless of job grading, skills, educational background etc. equal chances of training and development, study aids, mentoring and coaching.
The following table is a sample used by Erongo RED to assess employee performance.
Item Description
Key performance Area (KPA’S) Key functions that one need to perform
Measures/Performance Indicators Indicators that will show that the task is done
Baseline Baseline should also be indicated
Target Percentage that is being targeted
Actual achieved Actual percentage achieved
Weighting The weight allocated to the specific task
Rating Rating given by the person doing the assessment
Score Final score