Women of Color Struggles: The Power to Change


The Power to Change

For this week’s discussion, select 1 or 2 issues from the issues facing women globally and come up with a solution for social change. Watch this first:


1. Identify an issue(s) from the list below that is important to YOU, and decide on one (or two) to address. Explain why it is important to you.

2. Research the chosen issue and decide how to change or improve the situation.

Plan an action (do we need a social movement, media campaign, protests, petitions, a collaboration between various social movements?)
identify an end goal. What is the goal of your action? How will it change the world for the better?






Contrasts Between Tokyo and Kyoto

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japanese mountainIn ongoing decades, the title of one of the most mainstream societies worldwide ought to be certainly given to Japan. A large number of individuals everywhere throughout the world examination the Japanese language, watch dorama (emotional TV arrangement on a wide range of subjects) or movement, peruse and compose haiku, and make friends through correspondence with Japanese individuals. Innumerable individuals purchase tickets and fly to the nation of the rising sun to see its miracles with their own eyes.

Among the most mainstream goals—for the most part in light of the fact that these city names are generally known toward the western open—are Tokyo and Kyoto. What’s more, maybe for an unpracticed explorer, there is: where to go? For the most part, individuals realize that Tokyo is a super city of things to come, and Kyoto has more to do with old culture, conventions, etc. Fundamentally it is valid, and yet, there additionally exist increasingly inconspicuous contrasts one ought to consider while picking their goal point in Japan.

The first of them is costs. Tokyo is costly—as you may anticipate from the capital of the most urbanized nation on the planet (the costs beneath are recorded in Japanese yen: 1 USD around rises to 100 yen). Thus, to snatch some reasonable nibble in Tokyo would cost around 850 yen. Having a full dinner for two individuals in a mid-run café, on the off chance that you travel with your life partner, will cost you 5,230 yen. A single direction ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and leasing one room condo outside of the downtown area costs 77,853 yen (and this is most likely a week after week cost). Simply don’t anticipate that this condo should be large and comfortable; undoubtedly it will be modest, with fundamental utilities, and with no focal warming (really, there is nothing of the sort in Japan by any means—everybody warms their home up all alone). On the off chance that you consider purchasing a condo in Tokyo, overlook it—one square meter of a room outside of the downtown area is around 1 million yen (twofold the cost on the off chance that you need to live nearer to the downtown area).

Kyoto isn’t a lot less expensive. Despite the fact that feasting in a café is less expensive—just 4,000 yen for two people in a mid-go eatery—transportation costs are shockingly higher: 235 yen for a ride (nonetheless, in the event that you need to buy a month to month pass, it is less expensive to do in Kyoto as opposed to in Tokyo: 8,410 yen contrasted with 10,000 yen). In the event that you want to set aside some cash purchasing nourishment in a market, you are right just in points of interest: a few items in Japan cost a great deal of cash regardless of where you get them. For instance, white rice costs 850 yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread, tomatoes, chicken bosoms, and particularly cheddar—these are the most costly items both in Kyoto and in Tokyo. Talking about settlement, leasing or purchasing a condo in Kyoto is a lot less expensive: for a one room loft outside of Kyoto’s inside, you should pay 48,000 yen to lease, or 300,000 yen for each square meter on the off chance that you need to get it (Numbeo.com).

Tokyo is incredible to visit in the event that you appreciate rushing about, on the off chance that you need to feel the heartbeat of a uber city, jump into its life, and experience each one of those insane things individuals in the West for the most part tell about Japan. Be set up for the packed metro—and “stuffed” is a delicate method to put it; truth be told, you can take an hour long ride in the tram, and your feet won’t contact the floor, since you will be pressed between others so tight that you can even sleep right now. Kyoto, then again, is acceptable to visit for every one of the individuals who feel propelled by customary Japanese culture: haiku, hanami, court customs, the No theater, etc. In Kyoto, you won’t see stunning high rises, more than 280 metro stations, and the absurdity of the well known Shibuya crossing; rather, get readied for sanctuaries, tea houses, exhibition halls: everything collectible and credible. Be that as it may, in the event that you need innovation, go to Tokyo, and you won’t feel baffled—this city as of now lives later on (Go Overseas).

It is hard to state which city is better for an unpracticed visitor to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is less expensive, particularly as far as leasing a condo, and is increasingly appropriate for those searching for the old Japanese culture meshed into refined castles made during Heian-jidai. Tokyo, despite what might be expected, is a tremendous city, with insane costs, insane transportation, insane everything. The climates are extraordinary, yet both of the urban communities will make you awed, so on the off chance that you get an opportunity, you should visit them.


“Typical cost for basic items Comparison Between Tokyo and Kyoto.” Numbeo. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2015.

“Where to Study Abroad in Japan: Tokyo or Kyoto?” Go Overseas. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2015.





Who are Generation Z?

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comic about age zIt is certainly not a mystery that each age of individuals has its own qualities, personal conduct standards, and perspectives. Issues identified with this reality, for example, mistaken assumptions between individuals of various ages, “father-child” issues, etc—have existed, maybe, since the hours of primitive individuals. These issues will in general go past family connections, likewise spreading to such circles as social pecking order and work. These days, American culture generally comprises of the delegates of Generation X (individuals conceived in 1960s) and Y (conceived in 1980s-mid 1990s); their practices and attributes are as of now all around contemplated. Notwithstanding, as of late one more age has moved up on the stage: Generation Z, individuals conceived in late 1990s-mid 2000s, and in spite of the fact that sociologists and analysts have not considered them totally yet, it is as of now realized that Generation Z is totally not quite the same as their ancestors.

In any case, what are these distinctions? This is the original that can’t envision an existence without having a portable contraption with an entrance to the Internet. Z individuals never lived in times without Facebook, Twitter, and other well known online networking administrations. Whatever they need, they can without much of a stretch find on the Internet directly readily available (on account of cell phones), and generally for nothing.

This has its great and terrible sides. From one point of view, Generation Z is local to the Internet: they are more sagacious with it, and they explore it without hardly lifting a finger that their Y ancestors, the recent college grads, could just dream of; in the time of computerized advancements, it is a significant quality. Then again, Generation Z no more have a need to utilize their long haul memory and to be discerning: all information they need is saved money on the cloud or on inaccessible servers. This has lead to a radical outcome: the normal capacity to focus of a Generation Z high schooler is just 8.25 seconds! This implies they can’t concentrate on something for over eight seconds. Indeed, even a goldfish has a bigger ability to focus of nine seconds (The Telegraph).

Thinking about the tremendous day by day stream of data, Generation Z can’t manage the cost of focusing on everything around them; they must be fastidious, to angle out important data from the stream. Their capacity to focus is shorter, however they can sift through the data simpler and quicker, so one can’t state Generation Z is less powerful when working, or less proficient than recent college grads. Also, when they discover something genuinely worth their consideration, they exhibit responsibility and the capacity to in a split second spotlight on what they find intriguing (Co.Exist).

The capacity to rapidly explore through an a lot of data permits the delegates of Generation Z to grow progressively differing characters. Age Z agents regularly have bizarre leisure activities and interests (now and again not ordinary for adolescents and youngsters—astronomy, for instance), and get information from a more extensive scope of orders contrasted with their ancestors, in spite of the fact that this information might be shallow (IFR).

Simultaneously, there is various troubles and disadvantages common for this age. One of them is having unreasonable desires for themselves and for others. This is regularly filled by a widespread superstar culture. Chloe Combi, an advisor on youth issues for the Mayor of London, and the creator of research committed to Generation Z, clarifies it by the way that, “Gen Z has grown up with unscripted television stars, online life big names and world-well known twenty-something extremely rich people like Mark Zuckerberg.” What is progressively significant and hazardous is that the availability of any Internet content—including pornography—has contrarily influenced the way Generation Z delegates treat individual and sexual connections. Age Z is fixated on sex, and sexual affront. Provocation is likewise getting increasingly basic among its delegates (The Telegraph). Ladies are more generalized inside this age, and strange sexual conduct—like in pornography motion pictures—is regularly imitated and thought about typical.

Age Z is another age that sociologists are effectively learning right now. Comprising of computerized locals, Generation Z vigorously depends on the Internet and different advances in their day by day lives. This makes its agents progressively differing characters with information in a wide scope of orders, with surprising diversions and interests, and with a better capacity than in a flash sort out data and discover something worth consideration. Simultaneously, Generation Z delegates have alarmingly-limited ability to focus overall (not exactly a goldfish), and exhibit ridiculous desires towards themselves and encompassing individuals. They are likewise more explicitly dynamic, and in view of a simple openness of sex entertainment, they will in general misjudge sexual connections, and impersonate manhandling sexual conduct showed in pornography motion pictures. In this way, American culture needs to discover approaches to utilize Generation Z’s certain qualities, and simultaneously by one way or another kill the negative ones.


“What is Generation Z, And What Does It Want?” Co.Exist. N.p., 04 May 2015. Web. 25 Sept. 2015.

“Watch Out, Generation Z is going to Enter Your Workplace.” The Telegraph. Broadcast Media Group, n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2015.

Doe, John. “Something You Didn’t Know about Gen Z.” IFR. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2015.




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