Work-related issues


In your role as an I/O consultant, you belong to a professional organization with a very active discussion forum. In the forum, you will present a current news story that demonstrates a work-related issue. Your current news story will be within the last six months. As the I/O consultant, you will critically review the news story and reflect and consider all aspects and viewpoints the author provides. You will also note viewpoints that are not emphasized or not included.

PART1:In your initial post, state the title of the news story and include the link so that others can access the story. Briefly summarize the story and explain the work-related issue/dilemma and how it relates to a topic covered in the course. Your post must be at least 200 words and show a clear connection between the news story/event and the course material.

Read the reviews from the other I/O consultants and reply with meaningful comments to a minimum of two of them.


You powerpoint must be five to ten pages in duration and include supporting visual aids, should include clear identification of the problem. You should create a realistic scenario. Don’t just say “communication problem,” which describes how that plays out among team members in the workspace. Be sure to include enough detail. Is this a problem among just two individuals? A subgroup? The whole team or department? What are the consequences of this problem?

Consider these questions:

What theories and concepts from psychology are operating in this situation?
How can these principles be used to work toward a solution? What does a solution look like? How does it differ from the problem state? Be specific for your scenario.
What challenges will you and the management face in trying to implement a change or solution? How difficult will it be? How much time will it take? How will you know when things are improved?



Sample Solution

Inspiration and Discipline That Brings Employee Satisfaction in Healthcare

Gem Mullen

Task: Read the accompanying situations and answer the inquiries in section position. The response for every situation ought to be 2 pages long. Your last accommodation ought to be 4-5 pages long.

Situation 1: With the proceeded with spotlight on oversaw care, your workers are stressed that concentrating on cost cutting will lessen the nature of patient consideration. As a wellbeing administrations executive, you are stressed over the proceeded with disappointment. Create three procedures that would spur and expand worker fulfillment.

Keeping staff inspired is a significant piece of the executives in any industry. Moreover, the high pressure nature of oversaw care means executing arrangements and methods with respect to work place inspiration and bolster which at that point produces worker fulfillment are essential to hold qualified medicinal services experts (Cardenas, 2014). Keeping your medicinal services staff connected with and persuaded can be especially if the human services office is short-staffed or frequently incorporates impermanent faculty or coasting attendants. Nonetheless, even in a work place condition that searches for any way to cut expenses, there are still approaches to persuade staff and can help improve execution and confidence (Leviticus, 2014).

On the off chance that I were a wellbeing administrations executive, one measure any I would actualize is to just exploit my staff’s qualities. This would enable my staff to feel increasingly sure and achieved, which could then expand my whole group’s productivity. At the point when colleagues are doled out to employments that match their qualities, they are then ready to finish their assignments in a shorter timeframe. Since they are completing their required errands sooner, they will at that point giving staff more opportunity to finish extra assignments. For instance, if I somehow managed to dole out a confounded or perplexed patients to a medicinal services proficient who blossoms with these sorts of patients, I would have the option to build the patient ability to coordinate with the social insurance proficient and decrease the requirement for different staff individuals to be associated with insignificant issues (Leviticus, 2014).

Besides, on the off chance that I were a wellbeing administrations head searching for approaches to propel my staff, I would make it a point to request their input about human services issues all the time. I might want to support exchange about their day by day challenges with things like work routines, persistent consideration, emergency clinic condition, or some other distressing oversaw care issues they are confronting. I would make an assortment of alternatives for them to express their musings and thoughts in a positive, proactive manner, while demoralizing useless grumbling, whimpering and whining. I would search for their input on their most successive difficulties in the oversee care office that they manage by holding gatherings executing proposal boxes and even with month to month or quarterly reviews. I would make a point to keep my solicitations for staff input that would create positive arrangements, not simply negative emotions, tattle or feelings (Cardenas, 2014).

Additionally, in the event that I were a wellbeing administrations director searching for approaches to rouse my staff, I would give them chances to show just as experience authority in their calling on a predictable premise. I would likewise timetable colleagues with administration inclinations for undertakings like driving division staff gatherings, examine data on current restorative issues or even coach somebody utilizing their own encounters. At last, yet not comprehensively, I would dole out my medicinal services colleagues to lead little assemble sessions for shared finding out about such issues as nursing methods, emergency clinic approaches, and patient consideration patterns and duties. Along these lines, by making authority openings, my group would then be able to produce their very own critical thinking capacities. (Cardenas, 2014).

At last, however positively not comprehensively, in the event that I were a wellbeing administrations chairman searching for approaches to spur my staff, I would actualize arrangements that would compensate my group for the brilliance they bring to the oversaw consideration office. I think remunerating accomplishments in my staff encourages them staff remain persuaded and effectively included. I would recognize their magnificence in our week by week staff gatherings, compliment them by means of email or post of their accomplishment through online networking. Likewise, I would suggest my colleagues for expert or medical clinic grants or maybe even offer them another title overhaul as a method for demonstrating my group that the amount I value their diligent work. At long last, however surely not thoroughly I would considered dispensing them a prime parking space for the colleague in the oversaw consideration office who surpasses desires each on a month to month premise or give gift vouchers when my group surpasses a specific goal(Leviticus, 2014). In this manner, I accept if I somehow happened to execute these measure, my group would be urged to keep on exceeding expectations at their post in the oversaw consideration office and be fulfilled in their activity since they’ll realize their work matters and is valued.

Situation 2: Pretend that you are another medical caretaker administrator, you have picked to choose the positive control way to deal with overseeing representative practices. Rundown the means in the positive order approach and clarify how you would apply it to the medical attendants that you regulate.

The positive control approach is one that shows the job of an order as one that attempts to manage the negative conduct of representatives to improve them laborers. It is a way to deal with control that utilizations restorative activity so as to create greater profitability, improved execution and a progressively viable workforce.

Albeit unforgiving, negative discipline is compelling for creating momentary outcomes, this methodology will demonstrate purposeless on the grounds that negative control frequently produces worker disappointment, higher non-appearance rates, low working environment profitability and high turnover. Positive control in any case, attempts to address the negative worker conduct by first directing the representatives of what is normal from them, at that point giving an oral cautioning, and pursued by a composed cautioning. Simply after those means are measures, for example, end or release considered. Here are the progression to positive order.

Guiding is the primary essential advance of the positive order process. This progression would offer me the chance to confine the medical caretaker’s conduct issues with the goal that I can offer the person in question potential arrangements. When I’m directing an attendant, I will likely make worker the person in question mindful of the office’s strategies, systems and guidelines. Regularly, the medical caretakers need to be a profitable individual from the office and essentially need a superior comprehend of the standards. At that point during the guiding I can have a superior comprehension of the medical attendant’s perspective with the goal that we can both concede to the most ideal approach to cling to the office’s standard. Accordingly, I accept the directing advance can without much of a stretch tackle a significant number of the issues that emerge in a medical attendant’s conduct.

The second step in positive control would be an oral cautioning. This progression can likewise be given during guiding be that as it may, it will in general be more fierce. This is the point at which I would turn out to be much to a greater degree a manager than a companion and help my attendant to remember the conduct that requires adjustment.

On the off chance that anyway the medical caretaker’s conduct has not been improved by directing or oral cautioning, I would then execute the third step of positive order which is a composed cautioning. This progression requires documentation that rectification was given however the conduct is unaltered. The composed cautioning is the place the medical caretaker and I would work out an arrangement to address the issue with the goal that it would not emerge going ahead.

On the off chance that the attendant neglects to get positive order through directing, oral cautioning, or composed cautioning, I would then execute the fourth step in the positive control approach which is a last cautioning. When I execute a last cautioning, I would hold a meeting that would accentuates to the medical attendant exactly how significant it is that the individual in question right their wrong activities. This isn’t a stage I would wish to execute in light of the fact that I would need to demand that the individual in question take a non-paid vacation day. I would recommend to my medical caretaker that the individual in question utilize this day to choose if their activities merit amending so as to stay with the office. While I would not appreciate actualizing this progression, I can perceive how it very well may be very compelling in showing to my medical caretaker the reality of the issue that is made by their unseemly conduct and that it can never again be enduring at this office.

At last, if the attendant won’t submit to guiding, react to an oral cautioning, or a composed cautioning and appear to be unaltered by a last cautioning, at that point and at exactly that point would I execute the fifth and last advance in positive order and that is to release the medical caretaker from their obligations. As troublesome as it might be to release a worker it is essential on the off chance that I need to keep up the positive idea of the office all in all.

What I truly acknowledge about positive control is that it advances critical thinking rather discipline. Positive control incorporates positive showdown with the attendant with the issue conduct and hence furnishes the person in question with the chance to be legitimized. I would then educate that person regarding the organization approaches and methodology. Consequently, I accept positive control gives the most chances to long haul worker fulfillment since representatives will comprehend the adjustment procedure without inclination forced or disparaged (Industrial Relations –, 2014).

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