World War I

Discuss the long range and immediate causes of World War I? Discuss why the M-A-I-N acronym (militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism) is often used to analyze the causes of World War I. Include at least one belligerent nation in your discussion.

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Atlantis Theories

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Among the obscure stories everybody knows since youth, the fantasy of Atlantis is presumably one of the most exciting and strange ones. The possibility of an immense mainland lying submerged, when possessed by an as far as anyone knows quick human advancement is charming alone, and the various indications and intimations that Atlantis was a genuine spot make archeologists, students of history, and swashbucklers over the globe look for its remaining parts with fortunate excitement. All things considered, the legend of Atlantis is disputable and discussed, and there are various speculations with respect to where it was found, which individuals possessed it, and why this human advancement vanished.

First referenced by Plato, Atlantis stayed a subject of various research considers all through hundreds of years. Obviously, some of these exploration examines don’t confront analysis. For instance, Swedish researcher Olaf Rudbeck in 1680 asserted Atlantis was a piece of antiquated Sweden; also, he proposed that the capital of Atlantis was Uppsala, his old neighborhood. After five years, another researcher, Georg Kasper Kirchmaier, offered a legitimately inverse hypothesis, demonstrating that Atlantis was situated in South Africa. In the eighteenth century, there was a mainstream theory by Jean-Sylvain Bailly about Atlantis being situated inside the Arctic hover, some place close to the Spitsbergen archipelago; at the same time, Delisle de Sales guaranteed he could demonstrate that Atlantis was in Central Asia.

During the twentieth century, researchers and pseudo-researchers despite everything held enthusiasm for this subject; specifically, a German anthropologist, Leo Frobenius, correspondingly to Kirchmaier, expressed that Atlantis in reality was situated in Africa, yet dissimilar to the last mentioned, Frobenius accepted that it existed in Sudan. Quite a few years after the fact, in 1952, Willy Ley, a rocket pioneer, and L. Sprague de Camp, a sci-fi creator, put Atlantis in Spain (the town of Cadiz), and before the decade’s over, Dr. Angelos Galanopoulos, a Greek seismologist, presented proof that Atlantis was situated on the island of Thera in the Aegean Sea. Shockingly, this hypothesis appears to have been nearer to reality than some other at that point; Thera is an indented island, and when toward the finish of 1960s an English oceanographer, James W. Mavor, looked into the zone indicated by Galanopoulos, he saw proof demonstrating this hypothesis as at any rate mostly right ( As should be obvious, in any case, speculations with respect to Atlantis are regularly conflicting; additionally, no immediate proof, for example, the instances of composing, stoneware, expressions, protection, etc have been found.

Prior to the nineteenth century, Atlantis was to a greater degree a fantasy sentimental searchers of truth attempted to demonstrate; nonetheless, in 1882, Ignatius Donnelly distributed a book titled “Atlantis, the Antediluvian World”; right now, demonstrated that Atlantis was not an insignificant legend created by Plato, yet could be a recorded reality. Donnelly accepted there more likely than not been an inconceivably propelled antiquated human advancement that developed metallurgy, agribusiness, cosmology, etc, and from which other, less modern (as per Donnelly) civic establishments more likely than not had acquired information and advances. He likewise accepted that Atlantis was found right where Plato depicted: close to the Pillars of Hercules by the Straits of Gibraltar; the Atlantic sea’s “moving waters,” as he called it, sank the landmass on which Atlantis was found. Mainland plate tectonics shows that Donnelly’s hypothesis is off base, yet it happened to be amazingly persevering, so even these days numerous individuals trusted Atlantis to have existed (if at good) where Plato said it did. This hypothesis likewise motivated others to begin searching for Atlantis, producing many more current theories. One of them has a place with Charles Berlitz, a creator who generally expounded on different paranormal marvels. Berlitz guaranteed that Atlantis sank in the scandalous Bermuda Triangle ( This hypothesis joins incredibly well with the theories of spiritualists looking into the Triangle; individuals accept that since Atlantis more likely than not been an innovatively propelled human advancement, at that point (on the off chance that it sank in the Bermuda triangle) it clarifies why such a significant number of boats vanished in that district: antiquated innovation must impact navigational frameworks, mariners’ psyches, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Clearly, none of these speculations faces analysis, however they despite everything stay mainstream.

A progressively reasonable clarification of the rise of the picture of Atlantis is offered by a teacher of works of art at Bard College in Annandale, James Romm. He accepts that Atlantis was an allegory acquainted by Plato with represent his philosophical ideas. As indicated by the legend, Atlantis was a prosperous state, which bit by bit tumbled to defilement and eagerness, for which divine beings rebuffed its kin. Romm says that Plato “was managing various issues, topics that run all through his work. His thoughts regarding heavenly nature versus human instinct, perfect social orders, the steady debasement of human culture—these thoughts are completely found in a considerable lot of his works. Atlantis was an alternate vehicle to get at a portion of his preferred subjects.” at the end of the day, the legend about Atlantis could be a representation of Plato’s thoughts regarding an idealistic state. Charles Orser, caretaker of history at the New York State Museum in Albany, bolsters this perspective. “The divine beings,” he says, “lost control on the grounds that the individuals had lost their direction and went to indecent interests,” and subsequently chose to decimate a once-prosperous society, sinking it into the sea. Whenever dissected from this point of view, Plato’s tale about Atlantis begins appearing well and good, since it legitimately compares with his philosophical beliefs. Plus, there is progressively verification that Atlantis more likely than not been a representation as opposed to a noteworthy reality.

Robert Ballard, a voyager who found Titanic’s destruction, says that despite the fact that the account of Atlantis looks intelligent, there isn’t sufficient proof to state it is valid. Surely, there were various calamities happening since mankind’s commencement, causing urban areas and even countries to vanish (recall the ejection of Vesuvius annihilating the city of Pompeii, for instance); 3600 years back, an incredible volcanic emission devastated the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea, alongside the Minoan human progress possessing it. Be that as it may, despite the fact that this is the nearest verifiable corresponding to Atlantis, Ballard says Minoans couldn’t be Atlantis, on the grounds that the hour of Santorini’s devastation doesn’t coordinate with the one Plato referenced in his tales about Atlantis (National Geographic).

Up until this point, it is as yet uncertain whether Atlantis existed or not. Sentimental people trust it did, proceeding to imagine new speculations, sticking to a couple of untrustworthy hypotheses presented previously; current science, be that as it may—oceanography, specifically—refutes them. The most sound clarification of Atlantis is that it probably been Plato’s allegory showing his philosophical ideas; supporting an idealistic culture, Plato portrayed a prosperous progress which fell the casualty of its own avarice, indecency, and debasement; right now, legend of Atlantis bodes well.

Works Cited

“Clarifying the Legend of Atlantis.” National Geographic. N.p., 24 May 2017. Web. 12 June 2017.

“Atlantis Theories.” OMNI Media. N.p., 19 May 2016. Web. 12 June 2017.

Pruitt, Sarah. “Top 6 Theories About Atlantis.” A&E Television Networks, 16 Oct. 2015. Web. 12 June 2017.

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