Think about the direction that you will take for the case study project and write a post where you:
(1) state your topic/issue
(2) state your working thesis Click here: PowerPoint to Help Write Your Thesis Statement Note how because is used. Do not use the word you.
(3) list at least three reasons to support your thesis
(4) Write in an academic tone and demonstrate the grammar and writing skills covered in the previous weeks
Example: Note: This is written in third person plural. See the examples below.
(1) state your topic/issue:
Language and Power
(2) state your working thesis:
Proper grammar should be evaluated when reviewing applicants during the selection process.
(3) list at least three reasons to support your thesis:
1. Bad grammar promotes poor communication.
2. Using bad grammar shows indifference toward details.
3. Low intelligence is displayed when using bad grammar.
Complete thesis:
Proper grammar should be evaluated when reviewing applicants during the selection process because it discloses poor communication, indifference toward details, and low intelligence.
Use plural nouns. One way to avoid these mistakes is by simply using plural nouns like students, writers, people, researchers, drivers, and individuals.
A Corrected Paragraph in Third Person Plural
By the time a student students graduate from college, they owe approximately $26,000. In addition, one of the benefits to attending an online college is that you students can work at your own pace. Unlike the traditional university, everyone do students do not have to show up to their classroom every day. They have the flexibility to work when and where they want.
Characters dread passing and endeavor to demonstrate their ethical quality through activities and defenses, attempting to make their heritages, and accordingly their individual, live until the end of time. All through The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh himself shows incredible dread in the possibility of death yet endeavors to shroud his feelings of trepidation through his activities. In the Qur’an ingrains dread on the theme of death and offers choices for those that adheres to the guidelines built up in the book. The Qur’an depends on the dread of death from others to get the message over. While every content contains an alternate way to deal with death the two of them identify with individuals that dread passing and are attempting to get away from their profound quality.
The Epic of Gilgamesh shows characters hoping to legitimize and escape passing by their activities, making a heritage for themselves that will live for eternity. Toward the start of the epic, Gilgamesh doesn’t have a lot of worry for death and conducts himself in a way that shows this. Gilgamesh comprehends that passing is an outright conviction however needs to make sense of how to make the results of death as negligible as could be expected under the circumstances. In spite of the fact that, Gilgamesh comprehends that everybody must bite the dust, he needs to have the option to protect himself and his inheritance for whatever length of time that conceivable. He emphatically accepts that the individual doesn’t genuinely kick the bucket on the off chance that they are as yet being talked about or gazed upward to. Hence, Gilgamesh was centered around the heritage he will leave. In the content Gilgamesh’s emotions are communicated when he says “I will go before you and your mouth can shout out ‘Go on nearer, don’t be apprehensive! Will I fall, I will have set up my notoriety'”. Gilgamesh accepts that in the event that he kicks the bucket accomplishing something incredible than he will be recollected perpetually, and that itself practically like living until the end of time. This thought exhibits his dread of death and ability to take the necessary steps to get away from the power passing has over him. For Gilgamesh, his dread in death gets through the dread of life proceeding without him and he needs to keep life from having the option to go on without some type of his essence.
The Qur’an particularly delineates people groups dread of death and contains quite certain directions relating to the shirking a hopeless passing or horrible life following death. From The Feast in the Qur’an,
“The individuals who take up arms against God and His Messenger and endeavor to spread defilement in the land ought to be rebuffed by death, execution, the removal of an elective hand and foot, or expulsion from the land: a disrespect for them in this world, and afterward a horrible discipline in the Hereafter, except if they apologize before you overwhelm them all things considered remember that God is pardoning and merciful”(864).
This sacred text plays on individuals’ dread of death and builds their worries while depicting the terrible occasions that will happen if sin is submitted. In spite of the fact that the content does forcefully speak to death, this sacred writing likewise gives an option in contrast to an agonizing endlessness. It requires repentness and pardoning and gives would like to a superior after life. This empowers those terrified of kicking the bucket to atone and look for God’s benevolence, as they at that point accept that demise will be less awful. Through God’s kindness they additionally accept they will have a decent after life experience, and that removes some portion of the dread from death. The conviction that there is something better after death evacuates the sentiment of complete nonexistence and the possibility of an existence in the wake of death suggests a feeling of corruption.
In the two bits of writing, the characters dread of death is available, albeit concealed all the more so in The Epic of Gilgamesh, particularly in the first place. In one situation, the creator centers around making a heritage for one’s self, shaping the fantasy of unethical behavior. Then again, the Qur’an gives cautioning with regards to the occasions that will happen in death to the life of an unrepented miscreant. The Qur’an likewise gives trust and an option in contrast to those that apologize to an easy-going God. The two pieces portray the possibility of eternal life and make the hallucination that one never really bites the dust. Regardless of whether there be an existence in the wake of death that individuals live in, or having a heritage, the two writings pass on the dream that an individual or their memory can remain until the end of time.