Zinn and Foner offer differing portrayals of the Columbus story


After you’ve read the assigned chapters for the week, consider writing a brief response to the material.

Use this as an opportunity to discuss some of the larger issues or themes in the readings. While you will need to re-state some of what is in the textbook as evidence for formulating your answer, you must elaborate on what you’ve read. Create an informed opinion.

Sample Solution

in reverse contingent upon the bearing you cause that individual to move. Hume would state that what you see isn’t causation. You see two distinct things, one trailing the other:

You push the individual.

The individual moves either forward or in reverse.

You see just thoughts that are as one and tailing in a steady progression. You feel there is something else entirely to the succession than that. Yet, what proof have you for that more? If you don’t see an essential association, for what reason do you believe in the reason? For what reason we articulate it essential that whose presence has a start ought to likewise has a reason? For what reason would it be advisable for us to presume that such specific reason should essentially have a specific impact and what is the idea of that deduction we attract from the one to the next, and of the conviction we rest in it?

2.4 Kant’s View of Causality

Worked up from his “uneven rest” by Hume’s work, Kant attempted to clarify the plausibility of mysticism. In his uncommon work Critique of Pure Reason (1781) Kant isolated verbalizations into two sorts: explanatory and manufactured articulations.

Systematic Statements: Are explanations where the importance of the predicate is a piece of the significance of the subject. For example: ‘fire is hot,’ ‘the water is wet,’ ‘ice is cold,’ and so forth in these announcements the thoughts ‘wet’, ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ are a piece of the subject, ‘fire’, ‘water’ and ‘ice’, the predicate ‘hot’, ‘wet’ and ‘cold’ are fundamentally include in the comparing subject.

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