December 28, 2021

Social Learning theory

    Explain why this theory does the BEST job of explaining crime (this could be from either the issue of criminal behavior itself, or how […]
December 28, 2021

Court administrators with ensuring that the appropriate punishment is imposed

  Examine the role of court administrators with ensuring that the appropriate punishment is imposed when sentencing alternatives exist. For the purposes of this question the […]
December 28, 2021

Social Affiliation and Organizational Behavior’s Effect on Personal Survival

    In this unit, you explored the purpose of organizations. Apply what you have learned by discussing how social affiliation and organizational behavior helped people […]
December 28, 2021

Is crime a social construct?

  In your opinion, is crime a social construct? Defend your position. Do you think biological factors affect the criminal behavior of men and women differently […]
December 28, 2021

Capital punishment in the United States

  Provide a brief overview of capital punishment in the United States (history, major arguments before and against it, and so forth). Articulate your views, informed […]
December 28, 2021

Experiencing a stressful situation in the workplace.

    Imagine you’re mentoring one of the people in the scenario below who is experiencing a stressful situation in the workplace. Ashlee and James both […]
December 28, 2021


    Inclusivity can mean different things to different people, but this definition of inclusivity sums it up quite nicely. Inclusivity is when individuals with different […]
December 28, 2021

Mandatory minimum sentencing

      Mandatory minimum sentencing requires that offenders serve a predefined term for certain crimes, commonly serious and violent offenses, and judges are bound by […]
December 28, 2021

Professional Standards and Ethics

  You may feel that the judicial system is a machine with grafted-on parts that keep things moving—but in a lurching, lumbering, stumbling way. Systemic problems […]
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