November 29, 2021

How moral obligations apply to business

  How do moral obligations apply to business organizations? Can companies be held accountable for what they do, or are the individuals who make up the […]
November 29, 2021

Issues dividing the United States in the 21st century

  What are the issues dividing the United States in the 21st century? How will changing demographics affect these divisions?  
November 29, 2021

Government and Not for Profit Accounting

    Write a 3–5 page paper in which you do the following: Determine if the NFP’s statements conform to the FASB guidance, explaining how the […]
November 28, 2021

Price Discrimination

  Discuss the pricing policy of price discrimination. Provide economic reasoning for movie theaters, airlines, and many other businesses to charge customers different prices based on […]
November 28, 2021

Designing Training

    6–8 slides with speaker notes of 200–250 words per slide (excluding title and reference slides) Analyze the effectiveness of your organization’s training and development […]
November 28, 2021


    Combination products. The FDA has definitions for what constitutes a drug, a biologic, and a medical device. However, there are times when marketing approval […]
November 28, 2021

The Vietnam War

    Was the Vietnam War justifiable and fought in an honorable manner? Give evidence to support your opinion. What was the intent behind the American […]
November 28, 2021

How archaeologists interpret symbols

  Discuss how archaeologists interpret symbols and how symbolism contributes to our understanding of past belief systems and religions. Why is this important?  
November 28, 2021

Mental Disorders

  Watch a movie that you think depicts some aspect of mental disorder that we have discussed this semester. Watch the movie carefully and complete the […]
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