April 27, 2023

Opportunity or Obstacle Thinking?

              “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor E. Frankl, […]
April 27, 2023

Case Study to Promote Critical Reasoning

          Julio works at a large teaching hospital in a major metropolitan area. This institution services the entire geographical region, including indigent […]
April 27, 2023

First ninety days of employment in healthcare.

          Reflect on your first ninety days of employment in healthcare. How did the staff make you feel welcomed? Provide an explanation […]
April 27, 2023

Leadership theories

          Review the Resources and examine the leadership theories and behaviors introduced. Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this […]
April 27, 2023

Interviewing an advanced practice nurse

              Interview an advanced practice nurse in a clinical, administrative, or education role. You do not have to record this […]
April 27, 2023

Stockholders Vs Stakeholders

        Why is it important for advocates of CSR that the belief that shareholders own the firm is undermined and the second part […]
April 27, 2023

Leadership and Management Attributes

        Competency Evaluate leadership and management attributes that support critical decisions for nursing practice. Scenario You have recently started a position as a […]
April 26, 2023

Evaluating personality and cognitive styles

              In evaluating personality types and cognitive styles, which types/styles do you consider important for identifying with personality differences among […]
April 26, 2023

The model for improving interpersonal skills

          Recall the model for improving interpersonal skills and the major personality factors and traits from the unit readings. A goal has […]
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