November 8, 2021

Black panthers

  Imagine we know nothing about this philosopher, you will have to give us some background of her origins, educational background, mentorship, and historical influences. Write […]
November 8, 2021

United States (federal), or state, or local government criminal justice agency

  For your research paper, you MUST select one United States (federal), or state, or local government criminal justice agency and discuss the structure, functions, and […]
November 8, 2021

Progressive Era in 1877 until the end of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration in 1945

    From the start of the Progressive Era in 1877 until the end of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration in 1945, the relationship between the […]
November 8, 2021


Is integrity valuable and thus worth pursuing? Write a paper that contains the following: 1) A clear summary of the argument in favor of integrity that […]
November 8, 2021

Postpartum Depression and The Relationship to Suicide

    Annotated Bibliopgraphy’s focus is Postpartum Depression and the relationship to Suicide. I have uploaded the five approved articles APA 7th Edition format. Must be […]
November 8, 2021

Case Study in Federalism: The Storm

Case Study in Federalism: The Storm (video stream): Assignment Prompts: Address each of the following questions using the video and outside research using peer-reviewed scholarly […]
November 7, 2021

Smoking and its effects on the human body.

  Please write a 3-4 page double spaced paper on smoking and its effects on the human body.  
November 7, 2021

Cultural competency in nursing

    For this assignment, you will select a topic/concept and/or culture of your choosing related to cultural competency in nursing. You will create and submit […]
November 7, 2021

MTV’s future

  1. Do you think that MTV’s future lies mostly in its international operations? Explain your 2. What types of political, economic, and competitive challenges does […]
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