October 25, 2021

Sexual Misconduct in Puritan America

  Richard Wright’s criticism reminds us that African American writers of the Harlem Renaissance often created pieces that were supported or consumed by white audiences. Is […]
October 25, 2021

The aspects of gender relationships and sexual deviance in Puritan New England.

    In this assignment you will examine the aspects of gender relationships and sexual deviance in Puritan New England. You are required to write a […]
October 25, 2021

The dynasties of Imperial China

  Write a 150-200 word post that discusses and compares at least two of the dynasties of Imperial China explored in this module. Use historical evidence […]
October 25, 2021

The transition of India from a Hindu to a Muslim state

  The transition of India from a Hindu to a Muslim state was not a seamless one and it did not occur all at once. Regardless, […]
October 25, 2021

The concept of indentured servitude and slavery.

  Compare and contrast the concept of indentured servitude and slavery. How were their experiences similar and different? What factors contributed to the rise of the […]
October 25, 2021

The relationship between satyagraha and swaraj for Gandhi

  Explain the relationship between satyagraha and swaraj for Gandhi. How does his concept of non-violent resistance relate to his beliefs about God and punishment? How […]
October 25, 2021

Philosophy questions

  1.) Explain Descartes’ Method of doubt; what does he hope to accomplish from this method; is Descartes a skeptic? 2.)What is the significance of Descartes’ […]
October 25, 2021

Christine de Pizan’s The Book of the City of Ladies

    Read Christine de Pizan’s The Book of the City of Ladies. Discuss the depictions of gender and ideas in the text. Explain. Include paraphrases, […]
October 25, 2021

World War II

  How did World War II both shift and challenge the American definition of liberty, equality, and citizenship as well as America’s image of herself and […]
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