October 19, 2021

A court case where fraud occurred involving either a cash receipts or cash disbursement

  Find a court case where fraud occurred involving either a cash receipts or cash disbursement scheme (using the KU library/Westlaw), and discuss what fraud detection […]
October 19, 2021

The COSO Framework.

  The University of Washington decided to adopt the COSO Framework. Please explain what the COSO cube is and how it works. Choose one intersection of […]
October 19, 2021

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS).

  Imagine you are part of the IT team for Get-Sole Shoes. Get-Sole Shoes has two physical locations. All of its IT systems are in one […]
October 19, 2021

Ethnic/racial minority in the United States

Choose an ethnic/racial minority in the United States (Asian, Black, Hispanic, Chinese, etc.) and tell us about their history in the United States and how that […]
October 19, 2021


  “One aspect of discrimination that is often overlooked is the privileges that dominant groups enjoy at the expense of others,” – Anonymous Elaborate on this […]
October 19, 2021

Global inequality

Pretend that you are a sociologist studying global inequality. Which country do you begin studying and why? What would be one question that you’d like to […]
October 19, 2021

Clean water

    https://cnx.org/contents/AgQDEnLI@7.1:TrIRM88K@5/Introduction-to-Sociology Chapter 10 1. Watch this video about clean water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coxgFQvgmZQ – What stands out to you about the global problem of accessible drinking […]
October 19, 2021

An ethical dilemma that you experienced

  Describe an ethical dilemma that you experienced, or have witnessed in a change leader, when attempting to initiate change. How was the ethical dilemma resolved? […]
October 19, 2021

How new technologies are likely to impact training in the future

  Discuss how new technologies are likely to impact training in the future and what new skills trainers will need to be successful in the future. […]
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