October 17, 2021

Categorization and Prototypes

    The debate about the basis upon which we form category judgements has had a very long history (Plato’s ideal forms, Berkeley’s rejection of the […]
October 17, 2021

Working Memory vs. STS

    Baddeley, one of today’s most influential theorists in memory, has argued that the concept of an undifferentiated STS is incorrect. As an alternative he […]
October 17, 2021

The Unitary vs. the Duplex Model of Memory

  One of the first debates initiating the rise of cognitive psychology concerned the issue of memory. The traditional approach, inherited from the learning theories of […]
October 17, 2021

James Baldwin’s speech

    -How did James Baldwin’s speech strike you? -Baldwin notes that America has an aversion to history, what do you think he means? – How […]
October 17, 2021

Family tree

  Prepare a summary where you define your family of origin and incorporate the following concepts: family cycle, family type, structure, roles, values, norms, communication and […]
October 17, 2021

Coping with divorce

Compare and contrast how preschoolers and school-aged children cope with divorce. Examine the best options for custody.
October 17, 2021

How parenting styles and discipline intersect.

    Use Baumrind’s theory to show how parenting styles and discipline intersect.
October 17, 2021

Theories of development.

    Compare and contrast behavioral, social-cognitive, and cognitive theories of development.  
October 17, 2021

Ayurvedic medicine

Expand on the background and concepts of Ayurvedic medicine and how it is tied to health and illness.    
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